The Mobile Internet Nour El Kadri University Of Ottawa
TCP/IP was designed to isolate developers from the idiosyncrasies of the different standards We need something to do the same for the mobile world since the TCP/IP did not cater for wireless links and mobile devices Transition standards have been developed to bridge the gap. EX: WAP Work of 3GPP on Open Service Access (OSA) 3GPP Mobile Execution Environment (MExE) – Combining WAP with simple Java. Mobile Internet
TCP/IP on Mobile Networks Multiplexing at the Physical and Data Link level –2G – Circuit switched connections –2.5G and 3G – Packet switching Routing is difficult due to adaptation difficulties in TCP/IP to the demands of mobile communications Mobile IP is a variation of IP at the network layer that caters for some of these difficulties Mobile IP is an integral part of 3G, but GPRS and CDMA2000 1X support simplified versions of mobile IP
Mobile IP – Routing Packets to Mobile Nodes Packets contain headers that identify Destination Addresses IP addresses are organized where addresses in the same network have identical prefixes As soon as a node or mobile Device like a PDA start moving between networks of different prefixes…..Things start to break down Regular IP offers two solutions for dealing with this. Neither is feasible in a mobile environment –Update all routing tables with node-specific entries –Assign new IP addresses to the mobile node
The Remedy – Mobile IP It does not require any changes to software or hardware for the existing installed base of IPv4 and routers except those involved in mobility services. This is done using: –Tunneling –Care-of-address Home agents and mobile agents take care of encapsulating messages and sending them to their intended receipients
TCP: The Wireless Link Requires Special Treatment IP is a best-effort service…No guarantee of delivery TCP makes sure that packets are received, reassembled and delivered to the application needing them TCP also addresses flow and congestion control –In wireline, missing acknowledgement is mostly due to congestion –In mobile wireless, missing acknowledgement is rarely due to congestion, it is mostly connection drops and transmission errors Differentiation between the wireless link and the rest of the network is a partial solution. GPRS adopts a re-transmission scheme as a solution Sender and receiver agreements are a problem in wireless due to intolerable delays
The Mobile Internet: Early Precursors Other challenges include developing presentation languages that accommodate: The limited screen size Memory Power of mobile devices Limitations of mobile networks Even HTTP is not suited for wireless due to its stateless nature Solutions have been devised: –AT&T PocketNet –Palm.Net-WebClipping –NTT DoCoMo i-Mode
AT&T PocketNet Introduced in 1996 by AT&T Wireless It relies on CDPD which includes a basic TCP/IP protocol stack It uses HDML instead of HTML and a special microbrowser (UP.View) developed by unwired planet, later renamed as (acquired by OpenWave) HDML introduced the Deck of Cards Metaphor –Devices has tiny screens –Many user applications can be devided into small sets of interaction (cards) –Send all associated screens (cards) all at once to a mobile device –HDML evolved into the Wireless Markup Language the presentation language of WAP
Palm.Net - WebClipping A web service introduced by Palm in 1998 for its PDAs Uses a solution called WebClipping Webclipping stores the static part of web pages on the PDA allowing only the dynamic part to be sent over the wireless link Several hundred web services have been adapted to run on Palm.Net covering: –Finance –Enterprise applications –Shopping –Information –Entertainment service
NTT DoCoMo i-Mode Operates on top of PDC-P packet switched network (known as DoPa) which has a built-in TCP/IP stack It relies on cHTML for content presentation designed by Access Corporation DoCoMo’s i-Mode servers take care of Authentication and billing for official content providers i-Mode vs. WAP competition? Recent move from cHTML to XHTML Basic which is adopted by WAP (known as WAP2.0) for replacement of WML i-Mode started supporting Java based applications through its i-appli service which relies on Sun’s J2ME providing: –End-to-end security –More interactive applications like games, zoomable maps –Regular traffic updates and similar services
Wireless Application Protocol WAP Forum founded in 1997 by, Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola Open standard that is device and bearer-independent Due t its wide adoption, it achieved the badly needed economies of scale Often criticized as too far a deviation from W3C and IETF standards Developers find it has presentation constraints and question its security approach Its limitations are being addressed with time, for instance, WAP 2.0 has support for: –End-to-end security –Color graphics –Animation –Push technology WAP collaboration with W3C and IETF led to adoption of XHTML Basic (WML2) and support for TCP and HTTP
WAP Architecture WAP is not a Protocol, but a suite of protocols It bridges the gap between mobile bearer services and basic Internet Protocols such as: –TCP/IP –HTTP This was done through gateways in the early stages
WAP Gateway and Legacy Protocol Stack WAP gateway or proxy was used to interface between WAP protocol Stack and the regular internet protocol stack WAP content is encoded into a compact binary format before transmission WAP gateway decodes it into text interpreted by HTTP and vice versa WAP gateway helps improve communication efficiency, authenticates users, provides support for additional billing functionality
Operating without a WAP Gateway 2.5G and 3G have a protocol stack that supports the IP protocol. (WAP 2.0, W3C, IETF) It is a variation of the TCP and HTTP protocols profiled for operation over a wireless link Wireless HTTP provides: –Compression of content –Secure tunneling between Mobile device and web server –In theory, that should eliminate the gateway In practice, a gateway is still needed to provide other services like: –Billing –Location-based services –Privacy features –WAP gateway is needed for push services
WAP Legacy Protocol Stacks Before 2.5G and 3G, we needed the gateway and the legacy of protocol stacks which included: –Wireless Datagram Protocol –Wireless Transport Layer Security –Wireless Transaction Protocol –Wireless Session Protocol –Wireless Application Environment
Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP) Lower level protocol Sits between bearer services and upper level protocols in the stack Depending on the bearer service, its functionality changes In cases of built-in IP bearers like GPRS and UMTS, its functionality is reduced to that of UDP It simply insures that packets are delivered to upper layers
Wireless Transport Layer Security Designed to provide Privacy, Data Integrity and Authentication between two communicating applications It is based on the TLS protocol commonly used over fixed Internet (formerly known SSL) TLS operates on top of TCP, thus WTLS has to take on some of that functionality Designed to operate over low-bandwidth and high- latency connections Security is a burden, so developers have to choose the level of security needed in a cautious way. The Gateway poses a security gap.
Wireless Transaction Protocol Light-weight transaction-oriented protocol – mostly for thin clients with little memory and power Acts as a substitute for TCP while handling some of HTTP functionality WTP supports three classes of transaction services –WTP Class 0: for unreliable message transfer –WTP Class 1: for reliable message delivery without a result message –WTP Class 2: for reliable message delivery with a result message confirming reception – useful for banking applications as it allows transaction rollbacks
Wireless Session Protocol Provides HTTP/1.1 functionality. It allows for sharing of state between client and server to optimize content transfer It allows for Capability Negotiation: level of protocol functionality during a session You can resume suspended sessions from where you left It allows the management of multiple sessions. EX: from a GPRS session to read to a UMTS session to join a videoconference.
Wireless Application Environment Most visible part of WAP to both users and developers It includes –WAP microbrowser –WAP markup and scripting languages Important part of WAE is the Wireless Telephony Applications Interface (WTAI). It allows users to access telephony applications from WAP sessions
WAP Protocol Stack for Fast Bearers with Built-in IP Wireless Profiled TCP - version of TCP optimized for wireless Environments Wireless Profiled TLS – a wireless profile for the TLS protocol found on the wired Internet Wireless Profiled HTTP – fully interoperable version of HTTP/1.1 allowing for message body compression and secure tunnels Wireless Application Environment – next slide
The Wireless Application Environment It is the part of WAP that users see. It consists of: –WAP markup and scripting languages –WAP microbrowser –Wireless Telephony Applications Interface
WAP Markup and Scripting Languages WML referred to as WML1 or WML1.x WMLScript is the scripting language With WAP2.0 we have XHTML Basic which is a subset of XHTML recommended by W3C Deck of cards metaphor WAP allows for Client-Side logic using its WMLScript which is a bare-bones version of JavaScript. Thus, some processing is done at the client side Code reusability is possible due to the import of some code that is written for PCs that can be used for WAP. Thanks to W3C.
WAP Microbrowser Sits on the client with a role of interpreting and presenting content Content can be written with: legacy WML language, WML Script or XHTML Basic Some companies have their own microbrowsers like Ericsson and Nokia Other Third party microbrowsers available: –Open Wave’s Mobile Browser –AU-System’s browser for PalmOS, Windows CE and EPOC platforms –Microsoft’s Mobile Explorer –4thPass KBrowser, runs Sun’s Java KVM
Wireless Telephony Applications Interface Contains a list of APIs to invoke applications from WAP browser –Accepting restaurant Ads, –Reservations –Saving telephone numbers to address book All without having to quit a WAP browser
The WAP Usability Saga Deck of Cards Metaphor Introduction of Persistent Sessions in WSP Use of WAP User Agent Profiles to better tailor content Integration of WAP with telephony applications In spite of this there are complaints: –Slow connections –Dead ends or sites being down –Sites with poor signposting –Uneven content quality –Small screens
Evolving Application Architectures- How Open is the Mobile Internet? Anyone can set up an Internet shop Click-through economy 3GPP’s Open Service Architecture Service Enablers Personal Service Environment
Java and MExE Device Independence from bearer services – write once run everywhere J2ME comes in two different flavors –A connected device configuration –A connected limited device configuration