ESTONIAN PATENT OFFICE Examination of languages other than official national language 2012
ESTONIAN PATENT OFFICE TM is considered to be descriptive when… …TM consists of the word that describes the G/S AND …the local consumer understands the meaning of this word C-421/04 (09/03/2006) Matratzen Concord AG vs Hukla Germany SA * Same criteria for foreign languages and local dialects. 2
ESTONIAN PATENT OFFICE 3 a Russian phrase for Russian potato Cl 30 potato chips NOT REGISTERED suomenlaki M R TONMEISTER R a German term for sound editor, recordist Cl 41 NOT REGISTERED a Finnish term for Finnish law Cl 42 legal services NOT REGISTERED United Brokers M Cl 36 NOT REGISTERED Meaning is understandable when the word is… … in English, Russian, German, Finnish *
ESTONIAN PATENT OFFICE …in a language that is commonly used in the specific field, e.g. Italian for foods: carne, dolce, latte French for cosmetics: eau, femme, homme, rouge Latin for medicine and law: dentes, dosis, ius, lex …* 4
ESTONIAN PATENT OFFICE MAGNIFIQUE R a French word for magnificent Cl 3 NOT REGISTERED INFORMATICA R an Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch word for computer science cf. informaatika in Estonian Cl 9 NOT REGISTERED an Italian, Spanish word for myrrh cf. mürr in Estonian Cl 5 NOT REGISTERED for some G/S * 5 …in a language that is commonly not familiar, but the word stem is understandable by the public
ESTONIAN PATENT OFFICE Examples that do not follow the criteria a Latvian* term for delicacy, dainty, titbit; cf. maiustus in Estonian Cl 30 REGISTERED HOSPODA a Czech term for tavern, pub; cf. kõrts in Estonian Cl 43 REGISTERED a term in a local dialect for our taste, taste of our own; cf. oma maitse in Estonian Cl 29-33, 35 REGISTERED treating the phrase as not familiar 6
ESTONIAN PATENT OFFICE Thank You! Ekke-Kristian.Erilaid[at] Meriliis.Varilepp[at]