Middle Level Review Update October 2008
School Board Goal 1 “Determine if and how the middle schools will modify the current model to insure world class, child centered excellence in education.”
“Establish a list of needs to be addressed by October 1 st, 2008.”
Recommendations from 2008 MLR Report Currently Operational
Enhanced Soar/SAIL model
Revision to grading/reporting policy to reflect 70/30 ratio in 6 th grade
Addition of academic intervention coordinator
Appropriate funding for ADHD lab secured
Middle Level Review Action Items for Implementation
1.Improve HP/STEP/ Accelerated math model to effectively meet the needs of students
2.Explore options for increasing student choice/ exposure in non-core classes
3. Increase systemic remedial support options
4. Explore options for increasing interdisciplinary opportunities
5. Explore options for improving the transitions from 5 th to 6 th grade and from 8 th to 9 th grade
6. Analyze the Special Education service models to determine the most effective way of meeting student needs 6. Analyze the Special Education service models to determine the most effective way of meeting student needs
7. Consider additional revisions to the Grading/Reporting policy for certain encore/elective courses.
Summary of additional input gathered
8.Consider ways to have more electives.
9.Consider different scheduling options.
10.Connect this review with World Language Review.
11.Connect this review with Fine Arts Review.
12.Adjust time for some core classes to allow more electives.
13.Use of technology and recognition of students’ personal technologies use.
14.Use schedule to enable more staff collaboration.
15.Review potential of IB Middle Years and Pre-AP programs for some students. 15.Review potential of IB Middle Years and Pre-AP programs for some students.
16.Expectations for Differentiation.
17.Ways to provide prep time for teachers.
18.Creative approaches to fitting in special activities.
19.Level of rigor decisions by student, parents and school.
20.What do we limit by adhering to the Middle School model?
21.Offer choices outside of the school day.