*** CONFIDENTIAL *** © Toshiba Corporation 2008 Confidential Scheduling Reports
To Create a Schedule Select the Auto Report Schedule Icon from the toolbar or Setup and then Auto Report Schedule
To Create a Schedule Either select the existing schedule and click Change or type in a new Schedule name and click Add
To Create a Schedule At this point you can schedule the report to be printed Hourly, Daily or Weekly at certain times or check the advanced box for more options
To Create a Schedule Here you can select the frequency of the reporting along with the starting date and time
To Create a Schedule In the example a report is shown as being generated every week, commencing 3/14 at 11:00. The report will cover a period of five days, ending two days before report generation time at 17:00.
To Create a Schedule Clicking the Template button will allow the user to specify more options
To Create a Schedule Select a template from the available template list and click Add to add it to the Schedule
To Create a Schedule From the Shift list box select the shift to be used in the report
To Create a Schedule Decide on the output options: Print Print and close Save (if allowed) Export (if allowed)
To Create a Schedule In the event that Save or Export is selected you will need to browse to a folder to save the file in and select a name for the file. Click OK when finished
Activating a Schedule Select the Auto Report Icon from the toolbar or Setup and then Auto Reports from the Menu bar
Activating a Schedule The final stage is to activate the schedule by selecting it from the available side and adding it to the included side