Introduction of new class members Review Resume assignment International Management and Globalization
Send the instructor and your team mates (research 1) your resume Send your team mates critiques of your resume. Send to the instructor a combined critique. Total sent to the instructor should be 2. The subject line should include MSE608A and the subject If you want feedback from the instructor, you should send your resume in by the weekend.
Each person should be ready with a resume. It is a critical part of today’s business world This is a good opportunity to get your resume reviewed As a manager you will need to read and review many resumes It is a good opportunity to network with people who are soon to be in the industry
This assignment was in 2 parts, individual and team. Part 1 allowed you to get a feedback from a professional manager that reviewed dozens of resume and could provide meaningful feedback Part 2 was a group effort. You were dependent on your team mates to complete their part of the assignment on time in order for you to complete yours.
Only 2 students submitted their resume by the weekend. Many of the students did not send their resume to their team mates until very late in the week. As per to the instructor: – Most of you did not send anything in. – Most of you did not ask questions about the assignment – Some of you did not put MSE608A in the subject line – Some of you only put MSE608A in the subject line with no topic – Some of you sent the to both my CSUN and my Hotmail
As a manager, procrastination will get you into trouble As a team member if you do not support your team, all of you are going to fail. It doesn’t matter if you did your part on time, what matters is that the entire team wins Most of the critiques I have read were one or 2 lines. This should have been an opportunity to help your fellow team mates. You had a good opportunity to get a practical experience from this exercise and most of you blew it.
Format File format – TXT, Doc, DOCX Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 3 Sample 3 There are many articles on resume writing and many template on the web, use them. Spelling and grammar are important Use proper (American) English Capitalize when needed If you are experienced, put experience first, education second Be consistent in your formatting.
SAMPLE 10 SAMPLE 10 Resume should be limited to 3 pages maximum. Resume should be detailed enough without going into too much details Resume should cover relevant education and work experience. High school or work that you did 20 years ago while going to school might not be important.
Contact information should include name, address, phone number and . Contact information should not include: – Age – Sex – Marital status – Father’s name – Health problems – Etc…
SAMPLE19 SAMPLE19 When writing an objective, make sure it matches the position and state a clear goal. Objective is optional Keep the objective flexible
When stating skills, make sure they are current. If you are using acronyms, make sure that you explain them.
Work experience should include: Position Company Dates Location Details about your achievements and position Remember, you might need to adjust the description based on the position.
Consider this: B. Tech in EEE from G uru N anak E ngineering C ollege with an Aggregate of 67% in the year I ntermediate from N ARAYANA J unior C ollege with an Aggregate of 90.4%. SSC from S ri S ai g rammar h igh s chool with an Aggregate of 88.6%
Sample 21 Sample 21 Sample 20 Sample 20