Clacksons Clare Hills Clacksons February 2006 From Plymouth Harbour
Clacksons Introduction Brittany Ferries have promoted services from Plymouth Harbour in North Devon and Cornwall titles. The following presentation takes a look at the 45 minute drive time catchment of Plymouth Harbour in terms of; Demographic differences Rural vs urban areas Reach of ABC1 adults Comparative reach of these demographic groups The benefits afforded by optimising your advertising schedule.
Clacksons 45 minutes drive time of Plymouth Harbour
Clacksons Clackson’s coverage of the catchment
Clacksons The Rural Majority Comparison of size and socio-economic profile of conurbations and rural areas within 45 minute catchment of Plymouth Harbour. 344,714 adult population 430,510 adult population 50.6% 49.4% 46.5% 53.5% Source: JICREG 1 st February 2006 Conurbations – Plymouth and Torbay U.A and Exeter Borough Council Within the 45 minute catchment the rural population is 25% larger than the conurbation population. Additionally, the profile of the rural market is skewed towards the affluent ABC1 socio-economic groups, making the rural majority an important market segment to target.
Clacksons Reach of the rural market Readership profile of Clacksons portfolio Readership profile of Northcliffe Dailies The rural population is a significant and important market within the 45 minute catchment of Plymouth Harbour. The rural majority is best served by the Clacksons portfolio of local weekly titles; 80% of their readership stems from the rural market. The Northcliffe dailies are predominantly urban products, with 65% of readership from the major conurbations, but just 35% in the rural areas. Source: JICREG/TELMAR 1 st February 2006 Conurbations – Plymouth and Torbay U.A and Exeter Borough Council
Clacksons By indexing the socio-economic readership profile of Clacksons and Northcliffe titles against the profile of the 45 minute drive time of Plymouth Harbour, we are able to identify the titles which provide above average readership in this affluent segment. Reflecting the ABC1 socio-economic groupings Source: JICREG 1 st February 2006 The Clacksons portfolio of local weekly titles provides the four titles with above average index of affluent ABC1 readers. By comparison the Northcliffe Daily titles have indices that are below average for ABC1 readership profile. Index = less than 100 lower than average Index = 100average profile Index = 100above average profile
Clacksons Comparative reach of the catchment Source: JICREG/TELMAR 1 st February 2006 The Clacksons portfolio of local weekly titles provides 300,413 AIR’s (38.8% reach) in the 45 minute drive time catchment of Plymouth Harbour. This is 6.1% more reach than provided by the Northcliffe Dailies. When looking at the ABC1 socio-economic group, Clacksons reach 148,541 ABC1 AIR’s (39.3% reach) in the catchment area. This is 15.9% more ABC1 readers than Northcliffe Dailies.
Clacksons Duplication of ABC1 readership Source: JICREG/TELMAR 1 st February ,839 Solus AIR’s of Clacksons local weekly portfolio 88,418 Solus AIR's of Northcliffe Dailies 39,702 duplicate readers The Clacksons portfolio combined with the Northcliffe Daily titles provides a net reach of 236,959 ABC1 readers, 62.6% of the upmarket ABC1 catchment. There is just 17% duplication in readership (39,702 AIR’s) between the two portfolio’s, minimising the wastage, whilst maximising the reach of the upmarket catchment.
Clacksons Optimising reach – scheduling options Total ReachReach of ABC1 Audience Source: JICREG/TELMAR 1 st February 2006 Whether looking at total reach or reach of the ABC1 segment, option 2 – 4 insertions in the Clacksons portfolio, provides higher reach than option 1. However, by splitting the schedule to 2 insertions in each package increases reach by around a half (against the Northcliffe Dailies).
Clacksons Summary The rural population is 25% larger than the urban population within the 45 minute catchment area. This rural majority are also skewed towards the ABC1 socio- economic segments which are an important target market for the travel tourism industry. Over 80% of Clacksons readership stems from this rural market, compared to just over a third of Northcliffe Dailies readership. Clacksons portfolio of local weekly titles provides 39% reach of the Plymouth Harbour 45 minute catchment. The Clacksons portfolio offers a significant proportion of above average ABC1 profile titles. Comparatively, the reach of the ABC1 audience is a particular strength of the Clacksons portfolio. Combining the Clacksons and Northcliffe Daily packages maximises reach, whilst minimising wastage, with just 17% duplication of the ABC1 audience.