Schedules Students should go directly to Advisory Tuesday morning Student will receive their schedule (on blue paper) in Advisory Please make sure to follow the blue schedule (not one from the Home Access Center). Some Room #’s and Teachers have changed.
Drop/Add Forms Your teachers have copies of the drop/add forms and forms are also available online and in the main office. ALL forms need to be signed by a parent/guardian ALL forms should be returned immediately to the main office or B135
Drop/Add Procedures Students have until the 6 th day of class to drop/add a class Please do not send students to guidance for a schedule change: The only students who should be sent to guidance are students with a hole in their schedule If a student would like to meet with their counselor to discuss scheduling options, they should indicate this on the drop/add form
Information For Teachers Please return Drop/Add forms to B135 or the main office immediately! Please check your mailbox regularly for returned drop/add forms &/or updated schedules If a student is not on your class roster in eschool, they are NOT in your class- DO NOT allow them to stay in your class (this includes Student Aides) Review their schedule to determine what class they should be in. If you need assistance, please contact the student’s counselor.