RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS IN INDIA Buddhism, Jainism, & Sikhism
I. BUDDHISM (500 BCE) A. Partially based on Hinduism B. Siddartha Gautama C. Rejects caste & worship of gods D. Embraces reincarnation & karma E. Meditation & Yoga F. Four Noble Truths G. Eightfold Path
FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS 1. All human life contains suffering & sorrow 2. All greedy desire for pleasure & material things causes suffering & sorrow. 3. Renouncing desire frees people from suffering & helps the soul attain nirvana. 4. Following the Eightfold Path leads to the Renunciation of Desire & the attainment of nirvana.
EIGHTFOLD PATH Right Knowledge Right Aspiration Right Speech Right Behavior Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration
JAINISM (500 BCE) Based on Hinduism Mahavira Ahimsa - Embrace nonviolence towards all living things Karma, dharma, & reincarnation
JAINISM’S FIVE VOWS (MAHAVRATAS) Ahimsa Non-attachment to possessions Not lying Not stealing Sexual restraint (celibacy is the ideal)
ISLAM (621 CE) Brought to India by invading forces Took root in western & northern India, as well as Bangladesh Changed India’s culture In conflict with Hinduism Major differences
SIKHISM (1500S) Based on Hinduism & Islam Guru Nanak Rejects caste Monotheism Reincarnation Stresses doing good things rather than rituals
SIKH BELIEFS & CUSTOMS Three Duties Keep God in mind Earn an honest living Give to charity Five Vices Lust Greed Attachment to things Anger Pride Kesh (uncut hair) Kara (a steel bracelet) Kanga (a wooden comb) Kaccha (cotton underwear) Kirpan (steel sword) Five K’s