Media Scheduling
Meaning of Media Scheduling Medium scheduling refers to decision regarding number of advertisements that are to be given in each media, the date or time when advertisement is to appear, place of such advertisement in media, frequency of ads etc.
Phases of Media Scheduling Macro -level –media - scheduling Micro- level-media -scheduling Yearly advt Budget Each month of the year
Media Scheduling Strategies (1). Continuous option:- (regular advt) Eg: Toothpaste, soap, shampoo, tv (2). Flighting Option:- (time gap) Eg: A.c, Woolen garments (3). Pulsing option:- (combination of 1 st two options) Eg: Automobiles advt in the beginning of the year
Factors affecting media- scheduling:- Nature of product Nature of target audience Stage of product- life cycle Competitor’s Scheduling Advertising-budget Rating of Different T.V programmes Government policy