LEON COUNTY Northwest Extension District Lawrence Heitmeyer, CED July 2, 2003
Who We Are Who We Are Faculty members: 10 (2 4-H, 4 Family & Consumer Sciences, 4 Natural Resources, Horticulture, Agriculture-Envir. Ed.) Faculty members: 10 (2 4-H, 4 Family & Consumer Sciences, 4 Natural Resources, Horticulture, Agriculture-Envir. Ed.) Staff members: 4 AA’s and 7 PA’s Staff members: 4 AA’s and 7 PA’s Budget: $469,000 + MIS + Facility Mgt. Budget: $469,000 + MIS + Facility Mgt. Computer upgrades, polycom system, Auditorium Equipment Computer upgrades, polycom system, Auditorium Equipment 14,000 Sq. Ft. Agricultural Center 14,000 Sq. Ft. Agricultural Center Florida’s Capital with high interest in quality of life issues. Florida’s Capital with high interest in quality of life issues.
Leon County Profile Leon County Profile 245,000 - total population with state government as major employer 245,000 - total population with state government as major employer 67% White/30% Black/3% Other—Racial Composition 67% White/30% Black/3% Other—Racial Composition 84,000 - number of households 84,000 - number of households 80,000 - youth population ages ,000 - youth population ages ,231 - number agriculturally classified parcels 1,231 - number agriculturally classified parcels 186,000 acres in agriculture-forestry/ 429,440 total acres 186,000 acres in agriculture-forestry/ 429,440 total acres 103,500 – national forest natural resource acres 103,500 – national forest natural resource acres 54,796 – families with 5164 (9.4%) listed as limited resource families 54,796 – families with 5164 (9.4%) listed as limited resource families 26,696 - female head of households 26,696 - female head of households 10,185 – children living below poverty level 10,185 – children living below poverty level 10,638 – youth participating in free/reduced lunch 10,638 – youth participating in free/reduced lunch 11,133 – unemployed (rate = 5.7%) 11,133 – unemployed (rate = 5.7%)
Listening Session Report What we heard in the listening session that was expected…… 1) Environmental Education (NR, Horticulture) What we heard in the listening session that was expected…… 1) Environmental Education (NR, Horticulture) 2) Family and Consumer Science Education 2) Family and Consumer Science Education 3) Youth/4-H Education 3) Youth/4-H Education 4) Strong Support for all program areas 4) Strong Support for all program areas What we heard in the listening session that was unexpected…….. What we heard in the listening session that was unexpected…….. 1) Extension supporters think we should do it all 2) Solutions were often very specific i.e. trees in the 1) Extension supporters think we should do it all 2) Solutions were often very specific i.e. trees in the medians, FCAT help, maintain rural atmosphere medians, FCAT help, maintain rural atmosphere 3) Strong desire of other agencies to collaborate 3) Strong desire of other agencies to collaborate
Listening Sessions How we incorporated what we heard….. 1) Discussions within Program Areas 2) Reviewed with Program Area Advisory Committees How we incorporated what we heard….. 1) Discussions within Program Areas 2) Reviewed with Program Area Advisory Committees 3) Reviewed with Overall Advisory Committees What we were unable to incorporate and why….. 1) Being all things to all people 2) Taking direct responsibility for FCAT scores and policy change needs What we were unable to incorporate and why….. 1) Being all things to all people 2) Taking direct responsibility for FCAT scores and policy change needs
Leon County Plan by Program Area Environmental Education Environmental Education 4-H & Other Youth 4-H & Other Youth Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences
Environmental Education Program Summary Major Priority Areas Major Priority Areas Environmental Changes because of Conversion of Land Use from Rural to Urban Urban Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources Target Audience(s) Urban Homeowners, Rural Landowners and Producers, Government Land Target Audience(s) Urban Homeowners, Rural Landowners and Producers, Government Land Managers, Horticultural Businesses, Pesticide Applicators, Tree Care Managers, Horticultural Businesses, Pesticide Applicators, Tree Care Companies, Youth, Landscape Designers and Engineers Companies, Youth, Landscape Designers and Engineers Long Range Goals Adoption and implementation of BMP’s for natural resource Long Range Goals Adoption and implementation of BMP’s for natural resource conservation in design and management of urban landscapes conservation in design and management of urban landscapes Adoption and implementation of BMP’s for agriculture & natural resource Adoption and implementation of BMP’s for agriculture & natural resource conservation in management of rural lands. conservation in management of rural lands. Outcome Indicators Outcome Indicators Increase in environmental quality indicators Increase in environmental quality indicators Increase in adoption of BMP’s Increase in adoption of BMP’s Certification of pesticide applicators, arborists, Certification of pesticide applicators, arborists, and other such professionals and other such professionals
4H Program Summary Major Priority Areas Major Priority Areas Implementing Best Practices For Positive Youth Development Implementing Best Practices For Positive Youth Development -Volunteer Recruitment and Development -Volunteer Recruitment and Development -Organizational Development Utilizing a variety of delivery methods (i.e. clubs, camps, after school, etc.) -Organizational Development Utilizing a variety of delivery methods (i.e. clubs, camps, after school, etc.) Developing Life Skills for 4-H Youth Developing Life Skills for 4-H Youth -Utilizing a variety of subject matters areas (Ecology, Forestry, Shooting Sports, Ag. Education, Financial Literacy, World of Work, Public Speaking, Camping, etc) -Utilizing a variety of subject matters areas (Ecology, Forestry, Shooting Sports, Ag. Education, Financial Literacy, World of Work, Public Speaking, Camping, etc) Youth Will Develop Life Skills In: Communication, Youth Will Develop Life Skills In: Communication, - Record keeping, Teamwork/Cooperation, Decision Making, etc. - Record keeping, Teamwork/Cooperation, Decision Making, etc. Target Audience – Youth and Adults Target Audience – Youth and Adults Long Range Goals Long Range Goals Utilizing resources available, develop and implement innovative, diverse programs that meet the current needs of youth in Leon County enabling them to become productive, contributing members of society. Outcome Indicators Outcome Indicators Repeat Participants, Observation, Success Stories, District & State Level Participation, Parent and Self Reporting, Changing Levels of Responsibility & Leadership
Family & Consumer Sciences Program Summary Major Priority Areas: Major Priority Areas: Family and Child Development Family and Child Development Family Economic Stability Family Economic Stability Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Food Safety and Quality Food Safety and Quality Target Audience: Families, individuals, and youth of Leon County Target Audience: Families, individuals, and youth of Leon County Long Range Goals: To strengthen and improve the quality of life for Leon County citizens through scientific-based knowledge and application in FCS Long Range Goals: To strengthen and improve the quality of life for Leon County citizens through scientific-based knowledge and application in FCS Outcome Indicators: Percentage of Leon County citizens reporting knowledge gained and behaviors changed resulting in an improved quality of life Outcome Indicators: Percentage of Leon County citizens reporting knowledge gained and behaviors changed resulting in an improved quality of life
Multi State Program Summary Major Priority Areas Major Priority Areas Consumer Education: Responsibilities & Rights Consumer Education: Responsibilities & Rights Extension Connections for Children Extension Connections for Children Chronic Disease Prevention Chronic Disease Prevention Wildlife Wildlife Livestock Livestock Horticulture Horticulture 4-H Youth (Planning Meeting scheduled) 4-H Youth (Planning Meeting scheduled) Forestry Forestry Water Quality Water Quality
Needs to Accomplish Plans County Positions County Positions -Maintain current staffing and increase PA FTE’s -Maintain current staffing and increase PA FTE’s -Establish County budget lines for FNP -Establish County budget lines for FNP Professional development -County Travel Support -County Travel Support -Additional computer hardware and software to -Additional computer hardware and software to facilitate educational programming support for facilitate educational programming support for EFNEP/FNP EFNEP/FNP
Needs to Accomplish Plans Northwest District Positions-DED assistance and Tech Support Northwest District Positions-DED assistance and Tech Support Professional development-Support of Program Implementation Teams involving district faculty and multi-state coworkers District 4-H Specialist Implementation Teams involving district faculty and multi-state coworkers District 4-H Specialist
Needs to Accomplish Plans State Positions- Distance Education In-Service Training technician, Housing specialist, 4-H specialist to give leadership to the 5-8 yr. old program and the 4-H After school program. State Positions- Distance Education In-Service Training technician, Housing specialist, 4-H specialist to give leadership to the 5-8 yr. old program and the 4-H After school program. Professional development- State-wide in-service training system with opportunities in various program areas to reduce travel time and expense. Training to work with 5-8 year olds, Training in conducting events and judging. Professional development- State-wide in-service training system with opportunities in various program areas to reduce travel time and expense. Training to work with 5-8 year olds, Training in conducting events and judging. **Also, development of Florida specific 4-H project books on Weather and Marine Science **Also, development of Florida specific 4-H project books on Weather and Marine Science & statewide development of a teacher's guide for a curriculum or lesson plan to teach the Landscape Best Management Practices to youth
Summary Slide Balanced Needs of Clientele in all Program Areas Balanced Needs of Clientele in all Program Areas County Partners are very patient but the county positions are critical. The Partnership should include all partners in decisions relative to staffing/HR, fees charged, reporting, training and facilities. Must be cost effective. County Partners are very patient but the county positions are critical. The Partnership should include all partners in decisions relative to staffing/HR, fees charged, reporting, training and facilities. Must be cost effective. Leon County Extension is dedicated to preserving & enhancing quality of life which has made our community a desirable place to live, work and raise our children. Leon County Extension is dedicated to preserving & enhancing quality of life which has made our community a desirable place to live, work and raise our children. Promote economic health and safety. Promote economic health and safety.
Thanks from: Leon County Northwest Extension District Lawrence Heitmeyer July 2, 2003