North West update - Preeti Sud, Project Manager Working together to improve respiratory care in the North West
Aims of NW Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team: Uniform High Level Standards of Care Positive Patient Experience Confident Commissioning of Effective Services Working together to improve respiratory care in the North West
Page Title here Acute Care HOS-AR Medicines Management Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team Working together to improve respiratory care in the North West
Kite Marking Expert Group Medicines Management Sub Group HOS Sub group Regional Board Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team Regional Representation Patient & Public Representation Local Representation Asthma Steering Group Regional Representation Patient & Public Representation Local Representation Kite Marking Expert Group Medicines Management Sub Group HOS Sub group Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team
Governance structure Board and various sub groups Yearly audit Specific questionnaires and reports e.g. PR Linking into CQUINs, contracts, LES/DES Follow up on action plans after events Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team
What’s happening National agenda Regional work Clinical Best Practice Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team National agenda Regional work Clinical Best Practice Good practice awareness Adoption of work e.g. SLOS, Discharge Bundle Website, Facebook, Twitter, Reports, Toptips, guidelines AQuA Data aligned to 13 NICE standards Good practice aligned to the standards Support for local initiatives Working together to improve respiratory care in the North West
What’s happening Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team Joint working with BLF, Inspiration NW Patient change champions Expert Patient in each CCG Integrated teams GP/PN lead from each CCG Pulmonary Rehab Meds Management HOS PN/Education leads Website Regional End of Life Care initiative, Tobacco Free futures, NHS Improvement, SDM, Advancing Quality, Regional Comms Regional initiatives delivered by NWRCPT & Kite Marking Working together to improve respiratory care in the North West
3. Support needed and current gaps 1. Key Lessons to Date Circulation list is never complete Connections are important Someone has already done or is thinking about what you want to do Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team 2. Issues and Challenges Engagement and commitment from Senior Management – but we have been lucky Ensuring quorum for regional board meeting Lots to do but only 4 members to work Working with CCGs Who is thinking about the region in the new system 3. Support needed and current gaps Teams need support – measuring outcomes, audit – can Lung Improvement help (How do you know you are making a difference) Train programme managers/project managers to answer change questions Clinical network like Cancer and Stroke Respiratory Clinical Pathway Team
Thanks to the engaged NW teams & patients. We tweet @skimmingstones1,2,3,4 Working together to improve respiratory care in the North West
Coalitions is essential, he believes, because change needs to come at a systemic level, which needs all major players in society to commit to change – Unilever CEO