Fermilab 1 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert AP Dept. - Activities Report Dixon Bogert - AP Dept. Meeting September 20 th, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Fermilab 1 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert AP Dept. - Activities Report Dixon Bogert - AP Dept. Meeting September 20 th, ) SNUMI Phase 1 and Phase 2 civil designs/estimates (status) 2) Offsite reviews; NSF/DUSEL, upcoming LCLS/SLAC 3) SciBooNE Construction 4) Final thoughts on Proton Driver/HINS civil designs - and a comment on AD proposed extension to MI-65 over the proposed PD/HINS 8 GeV transfer line location 5) Comment on Mu2E as a follow on to SNUMI Phase2 6) Comment on Fermilab to DUSEL neutrino lines

Fermilab 2 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert SNUMI - Phase 1 SNUMI is sometimes referred to as the “McGinnis Plan”. The intention is to increase the power on the NuMI Neutrino target in the assumed absence of the Proton Driver. SNUMI utilizes modifications to existing Fermilab facilities after the completion of collider physics at the end of FY09. SNUMI is planned to occur in two phases. The first phase will use the Recycler Ring to slip stack 12 Booster batches of protons into six slots and then single turn transfer them into the Main Injector. The Main Injector will then spend minimal time at 8 GeV and the Main Injector cycle is reduced to about 1.33 seconds. The power on the NuMI Target will then be about 700 kilowatts. A second injection line from the Booster to FMI 8 GeV line will be constructed for injection into the Recycler, while preserving the existing injection line to the FMI.

Fermilab 3 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert SNUMI - Phase 2

Fermilab 4 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Civil Requirements - SNUMI Phase 1 MI-14 Kicker Building at MI-10 MI-39 Kicker Building at MI-40 4th Anode Supply Room at MI-60 Buss Bar Insertion at MI-60 DOE Space Management Offsets Cost estimates and construction schedules for above items

Fermilab 5 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Proposed MI-14 Site Near MI-10 As of 9/18/06

Fermilab 6 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Section thru MI-14 Site Near MI-10 MI-14 As of 9/18/06

Fermilab 7 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Proposed MI-39 Site Near MI-40 As of 9/18/06

Fermilab 8 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Section thru MI-39 Site Near MI-40 MI-39 As of 9/18/06

Fermilab 9 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert 4 th Anode Supply Room Location at MI-60 Possible blast/fire wall is required here. Additional 4-bay switch almost certainly required MI-60 Hi-Bay MI-60 Lo-Bay

Fermilab 10 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Buss Bar Insertion at MI-60 Note interference with roof purlin beam

Fermilab 11 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Civil Requirements - SNUMI Phase 2 Additional Cooling Pond at MI-60 Ponds A/B AP-4/AP-5 – Accumulator Connections Passive Radiation Shielding as possible DOE Space Management Offsets Cost estimates and construction schedules for above items

Fermilab 12 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Additional Cooling Pond Location at MI-60 Pond A Pond B Pond “X” MI-60

Fermilab 13 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert AP-4/AP-5 – Accumulator Connections

Fermilab 14 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Phase 2 – Accumulator Connections (Cont.)

Fermilab 15 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Phase 2 – Accumulator Connections (Sketch)

Fermilab 16 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Phase 2 – Accumulator Connections (Utilities)

Fermilab 17 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert FESS Deliverables

Fermilab 18 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert DOE Space Offsets

Fermilab 19 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Reviews for NSF and DOE (1)

Fermilab 20 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Reviews for NSF and DOE (2)

Fermilab 21 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert SciBooNE Civil Construction SciBooNE is an experiment that is moving the “SciBar” Detector from Japan to the United States for a test run before returning it to Japan for installation at JPARC. The detector is to be installed 100 meters downstream of the MiniBooNE Target at MI-12. The excavation for the detector enclosure is starting in the immediate future; Notice to Proceed was gi8ven to the contractor last Tuesday, Sept 19 th, and the contract is for beneficial occupancy in 90 days, on December 11 th. The work is shown in the following two slides.

Fermilab 22 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert SciBooNE Civil Construction 100 meters Mini BooNE Target SciBooNE Detector

Fermilab 23 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert SciBooNE Detector

Fermilab 24 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Putting the Proton Driver “on the shelf” The Proton Driver electronic drawings are all filed. A wetlands delineation report in south half of Main Ring infield will be presented next Wednesday, 9/27/06, and filed. A soil borings report will be presented next Wednesday, 9/27/06, and filed. The Accelerator Division/Mech Support Department is looking for space to consolidate neutrino horn/target production/testing in addition to MI-8. They are proposing a south extension onto the existing MI-65 (NuMI Target Service Building.) This conflicts with the route of the Proton Driver 8-GeV line.

Fermilab 25 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert AD is considering extending MI-65 to the South

Fermilab 26 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert AD is considering extending MI-65 to the South MI-65 South Extension here

Fermilab 27 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert SNUMI Phase 2 makes Mu2E possible AP4 Line The beam is slow spilled extracted from the Debuncher at either D30 or D50 At D30, the extracted beam goes towards AP3 At D350, the extracted beam heads northwest AP5 Line A-D Line

Fermilab 28 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Location of Mu2E target and detector Detector Target Extracted Beam Line From Debuncher AP-10 AP-30 AP-50 MI-8 Giese Road

Fermilab 29 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Neutrino Beams for DUSEL are possible

Fermilab 30 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Neutrino Beams for DUSEL are possible

Fermilab 31 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Backup Slides Additional Information is found in the following slides

Fermilab 32 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert SNUMI MI-14 Kicker Building

Fermilab 33 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert MI-39 Kicker Building at MI-40

Fermilab 34 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert F17 is a model for these Buildings These drawings are taken from Project 6-6-8A

Fermilab 35 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert 4 th Anode Supply Room at MI-60

Fermilab 36 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert 4 th Anode Supply Room Location at MI-60

Fermilab 37 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert 4 th Anode Supply Room/blast wall at MI-60

Fermilab 38 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Buss Bar Insertion at MI-60

Fermilab 39 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Additional Cooling Pond at MI-60 Ponds A/B

Fermilab 40 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Phase 2 – AP-4 Connection - 8 GeV Exit Point

Fermilab 41 AP Dept. Activities Report September 20, 2006Dixon Bogert Phase 2 – AP-4 Connection - 8 GeV Exit Point