Added value from the ESF - for all and for the NMS Ágota Scharle Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis Shaping the future of the ESF - ESF and Europe 2020, June 2010, Brussels
derive priorities from EU2020 goals and potential for added value EU2020: smart and inclusive growth potential sources of added value - political economy - sharing and learning consider specific needs of new MS Approach: EU2020 goals + added value ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
future: if the next generation benefit from the intervention voice: if it helps weak/discriminated groups transparency: if it increases the transparency of resource allocation and govt accountability governance: if it helps transfer good practice across MSs Sources of added value ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
target children/mothers make early development and child care a priority guaranteed minimum income for children (cf Atkinson) - spent on child care services Proposals: future ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
narrow targets to truly disadvantaged indicators that reflect flows/mobility spend more on rehabilitation /reintegration services conditionality of inclusion on all other spending (cf equal opportunities legislation in HU) Proposals: voice ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
enforce transparency in national admin supply info at EU level increase role of EC in pooling and sharing info peer review on involving civil society in resource allocation and monitoring Proposals: transparency ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
reduce admin, promote NPM - result based financing [as a bonus] promote complex programmes - remove constraints (e.g. 2 % error rate, cross financing in ESF and ERDF) - promote intra govmt coordination foster involvement of local communities - capacity building in implementation Proposals: governance ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
weak governments: need extra support for introducing NPM tools weak civil society: need extra supply of information, enforcement of transparency, stable financing low employment / high poverty rate of uneducated population: need more assistance in policy design and ALMPs Proposals: new member states ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
For more information please contact me at Thank you for your attention ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels
Fit with European Principles of Admin ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels Source: Meyer-Sahling 2009, data from 2008
Participation in civil organisations ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels Source: Pichler and Wallace, 2008, data from 2005 WVS
Employment rate compared to EU15 ESF and Europe2020, June 2010, Brussels Source: Eurostat online, data from LFS, EU15=1, age 25-64