Washington State Head Start & ECEAP Directors Adele Robinson December 5, 2014 The Federal Budget and Early Childhood Landscape for 2015
Questioning Federal Role What is the role of the federal government? (should it be in the business of education and human services and if yes, to what degree and under what conditions) Who should pay – federal, state, local, private? (e.g., My Brother’s Keeper; prek) What should the federal government expect as a result of its investment?
Federal Budget Fight Pause in sequestration ends in FY 2016 unless Congress creates another deal Tax reform could lower revenues, change entitlement programs Concern about needs for international/homeland security vs domestic human services funding
Early Childhood Education Multiple national and state polls show the public cares about, and wants, a public investment in early childhood education Early childhood traditionally a bipartisan issue at the federal level Governors across the political spectrum increasing state funds for preK Mayors and other local policymakers moving on preschool when the state is not
Head Start Issues Since 2007 Act Both sides of the aisle believe improvements made in 2007, notably: DRS creates more accountability 72% of teachers in Head Start have a BA Yet: Revision of the program performance standards not yet out for public comment Questions on DRS – is it accurate and fair? Why aren’t others competing? Child outcomes and school readiness concerns across the political spectrum
Different from a Traditional Reauthorization --Options Offered Rep. Paul Ryan (former Budget chairman; incoming Ways & Means chairman) – proposes giving Head Start (not Early Head Start) to the states Sen. Lamar Alexander (new chairman of education committee) – offered amendment to Strong Start to allow states to combine Head Start and CCDF to fund birth to five and set their own standards, ages, etc.
Other children’s programs Also scheduled for reauthorization in the next Congress Child Nutrition – CACFP, school lunch and breakfast, WIC Home visiting – extension ends in March SCHIP health care CCDBG reauthorized, needing funding -- more requirements on inspections and background checks; one-year redetermination of a child’s eligibility; more attention to infants and toddlers; encourages more professional development – balancing rates, copays, use of the quality dollars
For conversation Within the Act: Length of day/year (dosage) Teacher quality (beyond degrees) and compensation Accountability: program administration and child outcomes/readiness for kindergarten Early Head Start and serving more children who are younger Comprehensive services Within changing federal, state and local landscape: Growth in state-funded preK for 4 year olds and 3 year olds New Preschool Development and Expansion grants - mixed delivery/schools New Early Head Start/child care partnership grants and expansion of EHS Changes in CCDBG