New Millennium Learners Chuck Dziuban Patsy Moskal University of Central Florida
Disruptive Innovation! There’s one in YOUR future!! And another one right behind it! Wayne Hodgins, 2007
A value-added model of technology- enhanced learning Technology Enhanced (E) Faculty Initiative Institutional Initiative Blended (M) Fully Online (W) Access and Transformation Enhancement Engagement Learning Management Systems Web 2.0
Wikis Blogs Social Networking RSS XHTML Semantic Web Podcasting Audio Video tagging Digg Zude Technorati Flickr Wikipedia YouTube MySpace Facebook SlideShare Pandora Skype Folksonomy Ajax
Student satisfaction in fully online and blended courses 39% Fully online (N = 1,526) Blended (N = 485) 41% 11% 9% Very Satisfied UnsatisfiedSatisfied Neutral 38% 44% 9% Very Unsatisfied 3%5% 1% Percent
The ambivalence dimension SatisfactionDissatisfaction Ambivalence
Student satisfaction with technology- enhanced learning Convenience Reduced Logistic Demands Increased Learning Flexibility Technology Enhanced Learning Reduced Opportunity Costs for Education
Students’ problems with technology- enhanced learning Reduced Face-to-Face Time Technology Problems Reduced Instructor Assistance Overwhelming Increased Workload Increased Opportunity Costs for Education
Dimensions of Student Satisfaction Ambivalence Engagement Responsiveness Expectations Commitment Information Fluency
Smallest Space Analysis: Satisfaction Component Relationships Information Fluency Engagement Ambivalence Responsiveness Commitment Role Expectations
The Generations
Some characteristics of the generations Matures (prior to 1946) Dedicated to a job they take on Respectful of authority Place duty before pleasure Baby boomers ( ) Live to work Generally optimistic Influence on policy & products Generation X ( ) Work to live Clear & consistent expectations Value contributing to the whole Millennials ( ) Live in the moment Expect immediacy of technology Earn money for immediate consumption
Net Generation: Marc Prensky – Learning Preferences Gaming and Fantasy Twitch Speed Connections Graphics Multitasking Active Learning Technology is my Friend
Net Generation: Howe and Strauss – Lifestyle Pressure Conventional Team Oriented Special Sheltered Confident Achievement
Net Generation: Twenge (Generation Me) – Lifestyle Self Focused Artificial Self Esteem Life by Lottery Cynical Anything is Possible (unrealistic) Yeah Right
Students who were very satisfied by generation (non ambivalent) 55% 38% 26% Boomer n=328 Generation X n=815 Millennial n=346 Percent
Because of the web I changed my approach to learning (non ambivalent) Percent 51% 37% 23% Boomer n=328 Generation X n=815 Millennial n=346
Classroom modality preferred by generations Baby Boomer Gen X Millennial N= 1,149 p = % 24% 39% 15% 11% 22% 59% 65% 40%
Students’ description of whether they learn better alone or with others Baby Boomer Gen-X Millennial P=.000 N= 1,149
Student and faculty generations in blended and online learning FacultyStudent Mature 11% Millennial 1% N=689N=26,823 Gen X 33% Baby Boomer 55% Mature 1% Baby Boomer 6% Gen X 11% Millennial 84%
Student Evaluation of Instruction
Facilitation of learning Communication of ideas Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Then... The probability of an overall rating of Excellent =.97 & The probability of an overall rating of Fair or Poor =.00 If... A decision rule based on student evaluation responses and the probability of faculty receiving an overall rating of Excellent (n=1,280,890) Respect and concern for students
A comparison of excellent ratings by college unadjusted and adjusted for instructors satisfying Rule 1 (n=1,280,890) OverallIf Rule 1 College% Excellent% Excellent Education Molecular & Microbio Health & Public Affairs Arts & Humanities Arts & Sciences Sciences Hospitality Management Business Administration Engineering
A comparison of excellent ratings by course modality--unadjusted and adjusted for instructors satisfying Rule 1 (n=1,171,664) Blended Online Enhanced F2F ITV CourseOverallIf Rule 1 Modality % Excellent % Excellent
Information Fluency
Avoiding Plagiarism Citing Sources Using APA Style Citing Sources Using MLA Style Evaluating Web Sites Creating a Search Strategy Focusing an Information Search Maximizing Google Scholar Searches Recognizing a Research Study Information Literacy Modules
Taleb: The Black Swan Unpredicted 9/11 Google Harry Potter Y2K Undetectable Outliers Back-Filled Narrative Monumental Impact Retrospective Prediction Market crash
Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness For more information contact: Dr. Chuck Dziuban (407) Dr. Patsy Moskal (407)