Student Registration School Year 2015-2016 Julius West Middle School
Overview In addition to filling out a paper registration card, JWMS students will enter their 2015-2016 course requests online. This PowerPoint will walk you through the steps to successfully request your courses online.
STEP 1 Go to the Julius West homepage.
STEP 2 Enter the JW login information (Student ID#/password) STEP 2 Enter the JW login information (Student ID#/password). Click “sign in”
Step 3: Choose Courses Click on the icon to view and select courses. You will see a screen with subject categories (ie: Language and Literature, Individuals and Society, Mathematics, etc.). Here you will select your classes for next year. Click on the icon to view and select courses.
Step 4 A list of courses in each subject category will appear in alphabetical order. Scroll through the list to find the courses you want to request. Note: There may be more options than what can fit on the screen. Scroll down to make sure you see all of the choices.
Teacher Recommendations Some of your teachers have recommended you for specific courses. If you have been recommended for a course, it will appear at the top of the course list along with the teacher who recommended you.
Follow this step to request courses in different subject areas until you have selected 7 courses for both first and second semester. Select your courses, both A and B semesters, by checking the boxes on the left hand side. Once selected, click ‘okay.’
Once you’ve selected courses, they will appear on your screen.
Step 5: Review and submit Review your course selections to make sure they are correct. Once selections have been reviewed, click ‘submit.’
Once you click submit, a list of your requested courses will appear on your screen. Confirm that this list exactly matches the courses on your paper registration card. You have now successfully requested courses for next year and may sign out of myMCPS Scheduler.
Questions? Consult with parents, teachers, and/or your counselor to assist in selecting appropriate courses. All students must bring their scheduling cards to their social studies or ESOL teacher on February 17th. On February 19th and 20th, students who have not registered at home will have the opportunity to register during their social studies or ESOL class period with a counselor. Email or come see your counselor before school or during lunch. 6th Grade-Mr. Samara, Ms. Green, Ms. Lyhus 7th Grade-Ms. McDonald, Ms. Green, Ms. Lyhus