2014 Midland County Health & Human Services Presentation
Today’s agenda… Who we are Key Challenges, Issues, or needs Funding Sources Non-Profit Board Governance Accomplishments Objectives/Goals How can Health & Human Services Council help?
Who we are Mid Michigan Community Action Agency (Mid Michigan CAA), a private, non-profit agency. Commissioned in 1966 by President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty” legislation. Mid Michigan CAA served over 16,500 low and moderate-low income families in FY 2013 with over 20 programs.
Agency Mission & Service Area “Mid Michigan Community Action Agency supports families and individuals by providing access to resources and opportunities.” Primary service area: Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Mecosta, Midland, & Osceola Counties. Secondary service area: Arenac, Gratiot, Ionia, Isabella, Montcalm & Saginaw Counties.
Who we serve… Working families that do not make livable wages Seniors on limited incomes Children at risk of educational & developmental delay Individuals with disabilities People at risk of being homeless Generational poor Newly poor
Key Challenges Changes in poverty – generational, situational, and newly poor Increased demand for services Increased need for collaboration in order to maximize resources within the community
Funding 85% federal funding 10% state funding 5% local funding More than 120 contracts annually Typical annual funding in Midland County - $1.5-2 million
Board Composition… Tripartite Board 1/3 Public Sector 1/3 Private Sector 1/3 Consumer Sector Other requirements by Head Start Expertise in fiscal management & accounting Expertise in early childhood education Expertise as licensed attorney
Responsibilities of the Non-Profit Board… Legal & fiscal responsibilities for administering, overseeing, and safeguarding federal funds including annual comprehensive audit Approve and adopt policies Approve major financial expenditures Approve program planning, outcomes & evaluation
Accomplishments Received a grant award from the Federal Office of Veteran’s Affairs for the first time, allowing the agency to serve nearly 100 homeless Veterans and their families so far this year. The agency was recruited to become a Regional Navigator for the Federal Affordable Heath Care implementation, assisting people with learning more about the federal health care initiative and benefits. Mid Michigan Community Action’s WIC program served 2,074 families in Midland County. Moved WIC and two Early Head Start sites to Longview Early Childhood Center
Accomplishments Cont. Weatherized 113 homes, which was more than our goal. 21 of these households reside in Midland County. Provided heating assistance to 2,914 families. 381 of these household reside in Midland County. Provided down-payment assistance, through the IDA program 10 families secured homes with a total value of $837,200. Currently 11 families in Midland County participating in the IDA down-payment program. 2 of these families have secured homes in Midland County with a total value of $180,000.
Accomplishments Cont. Over 450 seniors participated in the monthly food distribution program Nearly 100 families participated in the home-based Early Head Start Program designed for 0-3 year olds and pregnant women
Objectives & Goals Secure continuation funding for all existing programs Research & seek out new funding opportunities to meet unmet needs Participate in collaborative opportunities Completion of 3-year Strategic Plan Completion of 3-year Community Needs Assessment
How can the H.H.S.C help? Opportunities for collaboration Increased resource & referral network
Contact info: Jill Sutton, Executive DirectorLocal Outreach Office Mid Michigan Community Action WIC & Early Head Start Questions?