People and Empires in the Americas
Between 40,000 and 12,000 years ago oHunter-gatherers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to North America oSpread across North America oAdapted to their environment – creating diversity
Complex Societies Build and Trade North of Rio Grande less developed than South America and Mesoamerica Northwest Coast – Cultures of Abundance Pacific Northwest-Abundant resources supported large populations Sea Hunted whales in canoes Forests
Pueblo People Construct Complex Buildings Southwest – harsher, dryer land = deserts By 900’s AD – living in pueblos – apartment style compounds made of stone and sun baked clay
Mound Builders Forge Ties with Eastern People- East of Mississippi Last mound builders – Mississippians oBuilt giant pyramids oThrived on farming and trade oGoverned by priest-rulers
Woodlands Tribes Build Alliances Woodland tribes and Mississippian peoples had things in common oExample – environment oIroquois – Great Lakes region – common language spoken among several tribes
Cultural Connections Trading Networks Tie Tribes Together Trade linked the people of North America Built trade centers Traveling merchants Goods would travel 1000’s of miles
Religion Shapes Views of Life Another tie was religion Nature spirits Mostly polytheistic – however some believed in one Great Spirit
Shared Social Patterns: Family was the basis for social organization oMost lived in extended family situations oSome were organized into clans – groups of families from a common ancestor