Who is OMA?  OMA is the statewide professional organization for Oregon Montessori professionals, in operation since 1978  What kinds of Montessori education.


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Presentation transcript:

Who is OMA?  OMA is the statewide professional organization for Oregon Montessori professionals, in operation since 1978  What kinds of Montessori education options are there in Oregon?  Infant/Toddler programs (Birth – 3)  PreK-K programs (called Primary for 2.5 – 6+)  Elementary programs (6 – 12)  Middle School Programs (12 – 15)  Public Charter Schools, K – middle school

OMA & Quality Initiatives in Oregon

Make Connections

OMA & the Oregon Registry  First began with crosswalking Montessori Northwest Primary (working with children 2.5 – 6+) teacher education program about six years ago  In 2014 a team convened to crosswalk teaching training programs accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (the international standard setting and accrediting body for Montessori teacher education and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education) to the Oregon Registry Step System.  2014 – Present: working to crosswalk Association Montessori Internationale Teacher Education credentials  OMA is a Sponsoring Organization in the Oregon Registry

Why is it important?  Crosswalking Montessori Teacher Accreditations into the Oregon Registry Steps System allows for portability of credentials across state and national boundaries. Montessori teachers moving to Oregon who have earned a credential from an accredited training will receive a Step on the Oregon Registry that reflects the quality of their education  Higher Steps on the Oregon Registry aids the programs the teachers work for in fairing better with licensing and with the QRIS.


 The first year was learning what QRIS was.  The second year was spent participating in the pilot project and working with CCR&R at work groups in the Portland Metro area.  OMA’s Advocacy page on the web site contains links to parts of the QRIS portfolio that are different than the status quo. The templates can be used by Montessori schools in Oregon or any other state who would like to use them in making their portfolios.

Moving Forward  OMA’s goals are to stay connected to and active with the Oregon education community and continue to be workers among workers with the quality initiatives in supporting access for families and children to high-quality childcare and education in the State of Oregon.  Two tuition-free Montessori Pre-K programs:  The Native Montessori Program at the Clarendon Regional Early Learning Academy in North Portland  In fall of 2015 a classroom will open at Alder Elementary in Reynolds School District, made possible by a partnership between “I Have a Dream” Oregon, Reynolds School District and the Montessori Northwest.