SKAGIT-ISLAND HSTP Skagit-Island HSTP Committee Meeting #3 August 6, 2014
Fixed Route (640,000 Trips in 2013) Flex Route/Pocket Service (6 routes) Paratransit Service (55,000 Trips in 2013) Vanpool Program Skagit Transit PUBLIC TRANSIT PROVIDERS Whatcom Transit Authority (Bellingham) Community Transit (Snohomish County) Others Fixed Route (1.1 Million Trips in 2013) Paratransit Service (64,000 Trips in 2013) Vanpool Program Includes September service cuts Island Transit Washington State Ferries, Greyhound, Amtrak, Airport Shuttles (Whidbey SeaTac Shuttle and Bellair) Inter-City
Camano Senior and Community Center Island County Medical Transportation & Volunteer Services Seniors OTHER HUMAN SERVICES PROVIDERS Northwest Educational Services District #189 North sound 211 Others Community Action of Skagit County Northwest Regional Council Disabled American Veterans Department of Social and Human Services Client Based Beck & Call Concierge Services, Care E Me Inc., Cascade Ambulance, City/Yellow Cap, City Paratransit, Birch Bay Taxi (red cab), Mercy Transportation, Safe Transportation, Sound Cabulance, Western Van Services. Private
1.Committee meetings and feedback 2.Rider survey 3.Census Based Needs Index (Draft) 4.One-on-one rider comments (including Senior Days, Project Homeless Connect, Ride Alongs, etc.) 5.Previous HSTPs (2007 and 2010) 6.Other plans (Skagit Prosperity Report) Information from Multiple Sources
IDENTIFIED NEEDS (1/2) Existing service is not meeting all of the need. The majority of survey respondents said current service meets “some” of their needs, but few said “all” of their needs are meet. Maintaining existing transit service was broadly identified as a key need, especially in Island County Increasing service levels above existing levels was also broadly identified as a need, especially among riders. Span of service where provided is inadequate, especially for those who are employed. Specific mentions include: Sunday service Early morning and evening service Connections to regional service is important, particularly to Everett/Seattle and Bellingham. Summary of Needs Identified
IDENTIFIED NEEDS (2/2) Increased coverage is needed especially in: South Camano Island Sedro-Woolley Samish Island Providing more information on service and how to ride transit is needed Accessing fixed route service can be difficult, particularly for those in rural areas Driving is a lifeline for many low-income residents and gas and auto insurance can be a cost burden Bus reliability and frequency can make it hard to use Getting food and groceries to those with special needs is part of the transportation challenge Question and Comments Summary of Needs Identified
GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Age + Disability + Poverty + No Vehicle = Need (Census Tract in Top 25%) DRAFT