Session #4 New Approaches and Ways to Fund Ministry South Central District Pastor Teacher Family Conference 2010
WHAT ARE WE FUNDING? People Programs Staffing Facilities OVERVIEW OF THIS SESSION Three-Year Appeals Endowments Grant Writing
“Over and above” gifts from accumulated assets
It is: A stewardship appeal for “over and above” gifts Centered on mission/vision of congregation Introduced and implemented over 3 -6 months Invites 36-months (3 years) of planned periodic giving (one-time cash gifts accepted but not encouraged)
Brick and mortar Remodeling, repairs and upgrades Debt Projects/Programs Personnel
Organize and orient Recruit and train Build awareness Unite in prayer Worship and Bible study Commit Collect and celebrate 156 weeks of sustained giving
Stewardship Bible studies, sermons and prayer Wide-scale lay involvement in the process Focus on accumulated assets Presentations of materials to small groups Offer an opportunity for joyful generous giving – “Pray and consider” [no compulsion] Use of formal commitment cards Equal sacrifice, not equal gifts (e.g. gift pyramids)
My father’s experience My own experience
Joyful and generous giving! Unity in mission/vision focus Promotes planned giving Raises 1 ½ to 3 times of annual funds Annual giving increases 10% to 30%
A professional consultant can… Install confidence and support at every step Provide sound stewardship materials Offer expertise, training, and mentoring Develop position descriptions, telephone scripts, letters, and program agendas Gives oversight to leadership in developing appropriate appeal materials Help avoid potential pitfalls and mistakes Offer continued advice, encouragement and support through the entire process
Planned Gifts That Give “Forever”
A permanent fund bestowed on the congregation to be used for a specific purpose.
To establish a reserve or nest egg for the rainy day when offerings get low and bills can’t be paid... OR... To build vision for the future ministry of the congregation?
Our endowment funds outreach ministry By establishing an endowment fund our congregation’s members are moved to complete their own gift plans and leave a gift from their hearts to support the Lord’s work
75% of charitable giving comes from individuals. 87% of people who give to charity give because they were asked. We ask for cash… but only 9% - 12% of assets are in cash. It is estimated that $52 - $125 trillion will be transferred before 2030 from funds from one generation to the next.
Establish Promote Grow Manage
Research endowments Get legal advice Form a committee/task force to establish Incorporate as a separate 501(c)3 Set up policies and procedures for management and distribution of funds
Distribute promotional materials (brochures, mailings, bulletin inserts, bookmarkers, newsletter articles, etc.) Organize a planned giving society Host an initial kickoff event – open to all Offer seminars, workshops, etc,
Planned Giving Facts 88% of wealth is held by individuals 65+ The national average for planned gifts is about $20,000 or 20 times an annual gift It takes 3-5 years for an endowment or planned giving program to begin showing results 80-85% of planned gifts come from bequests Source: NCPG 2002 Donor Survey
Funding for Start-Up and Programming
Types of Grants 1. Corporate 2. Foundation 3. Government OUTLINE Research Relationship-Building Writing
Know who you are Know your community Learn what’s available Networking through others Web resources
Funding Information Center 329 S. Henderson Fort Worth, TX Phone (817)
Focus on your ministry to community needs Letter of inquiry Personal contact / networking Develop a fact sheet Ministry/outreach focus Share updates / progress / articles Follow up and reporting
Cover letter Proposal summary Introduction to operation Statement of problem or need Project goal and objectives Method and schedule Evaluation criteria and process Budget
Importance of clear vision Maximize congregational stewardship Example of three year appeal Plan for transition of funding Example of Youth Haven
Challenging and time-consuming Typically for NEW programming Required well-developed plan Needs outreach/community focus Offers unique but limited funding