Western Dubuque Schools Prekindergarten Orientation February 23, 2011
Agenda District and building overview Program overview Nursing and health Registration Procedures Questions
District Overview Western Dubuque School District Size: 555 square miles Largest Geographical District in Iowa (1/2 size of Rhode Island) Schools total: 9 Elementary (preK-5): 5 Middle (6-8): 2 High (9-12): 2 Employees Total: 473 Teachers: percent of teachers have a master's degree or equivalent. Demographics African American: 2% Asian American: 1% Hispanic: 2% White: 95%
Services Students receiving free & reduced-price meals: 31.7% English for speakers of other languages (ESOL): 1% Students receiving special education services: 15% Transportation & Meals 58 buses transport 2940 students Number of centers bussed to: 20 Total miles per day driven: 5, ,627 million meals served Enrollment Projected: 2, Largest in Iowa Pre-K: 158 Elementary (K–5): 1,174 Middle (6–8): 578 High (9–12): 1,036 Performance Graduation rate: 98.5% Post Secondary enrollment: 56% Average combined ACT Score: 22.9
Building Overview- Epworth Elementary Enrollment ECSE- 6 students Shared Visions- 16 students PK- 40 students K- 43 students 1 st - 39 students 2 nd - 43 students 3 rd - 40 students 4 th - 52 students 5 th - 54 students
Programming Early Childhood Special Education Guidance Counselor Reading Support Technology Special Education support- reading, writing, math and behavior Library/Media/TAG Nursing Physical Education, Art, Music Breakfast and lunch programs Before and after school care
Epworth Elementary Pre-Kindergarten Angie Christensen Matt Kennedy
Just Playing by Anita Wadley When I am playing in the block room, Please don’t say I’m just playing. For, you see, I’m learning as I play About balance and shapes.
When I am getting all dressed up, Setting the table, caring for the babies, Don’t get the idea I am just playing. For, you see, I am learning as I play. I may be a mother or father someday.
When you see me up to my elbows in paint, or Standing at an easel, or molding and shaping clay, Please don’t let me hear you say I am just playing, For, you see, I am learning as I play.
When you see me sitting in a chair Reading to an imaginary audience, Please don’t laugh and think I am just playing, I may be teacher someday.
When you see me looking for bugs, Or packing my pockets with choice things I find, Don ’ t pass it off as just playing, I may be a scientist someday.
When you see me engrossed in a puzzle, Or some plaything at my school, Please don ’ t feel the time is wasted in play. For, you see, I am learning as I play. I am learning to solve problems and concentrate. I may be in business someday.
When you see me cooking or tasting foods, Please don ’ t think that because I enjoy it, it is play. I am learning to follow directions and see differences. I may be a chef someday.
When you see me learning to skip, hop, run, and move my body, Please don ’ t say I am just playing. I ’ m learning how my body works. I may be a doctor, nurse or athlete someday.
When you ask me what I have done at school today, And I say I have played, Please don ’ t misunderstand me. For, you see, I am learning as I play. I am learning to enjoy and be successful in work, I am preparing for tomorrow. Today I am a child and my work is play.
Iowa Early Learning Standards 1.physical well being & motor development 2.approaches to learning 3.social & emotional development 4.communication, language & literacy 5.math & science 6.creative arts (early childhood’s “core curriculum”)
Program standards: QPPS & preschool grant
PreK 4 & 5 year olds 40 students / 2 rooms / 4 adults 3 days / 4 days per week
typical schedule: free playrecess calendarstory time musiclunch snackrest time large groupfree play small group large motor time
literacy development
manipulative activities
large group
dramatic play
block play
gross motor
fine motor
Pre-Kindergarten Services There are many unknowns at the state level in conjunction with prekindergarten funding. Even with the unknowns, Western Dubuque is committed to quality early childhood education. Western Dubuque School District will offer prekindergarten programming at the elementary centers where the enrollment allows for a viable sized classroom (s) for the school year. We plan on offering programming that will be available 3-5 days per week. The cost for the program will likely range between $250-$350. While the program may have to be tweaked based on state decisions, the core program will be similar. Philosophy, curriculum, and general operating guidelines will continue.
In the event the Governor’s proposal for decreased funding and tuition assistance becomes a reality, what programs will be offered at Western Dubuque and at what cost?
Maintain programming for three days (Monday-Wednesday) at a cost of $250 per month for families not eligible for tuition assistance. Offer an optional fourth day (Thursday) to those interested at an additional cost of $85 per month. The Western Dubuque program will continue to meet or exceed state preschool requirements. Y-Care services may be available on Fridays depending on need. *Programming and cost are subject to change upon State finalization of program requirements and funding allocations.
Nursing and Health Required Forms Health Assessment Record Certificate of Immunization Certificate of Dental Screening Pre-K/Kindergarten Medical History Supplemental Health History Student Vision Card
Registration Procedures Questions