Carbon Canisters 101 Sean Whelan Lead Engineer Integrated Fuel Systems
Regulations CALIFORNIA- California Air Resources Board (CARB) –Only for high performance boats With at least one engine greater than 500hp Not applicable for multiple engines below 500hp (i.e hp engines) –Only boats that will be registered in California –Beginning Jan US- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) –All boats with integrated (a.k.a. permanently mounted) tanks –July 31, % of each boat manufacturers product line must have carbon canister. –July %
California/EPA Diurnal Emission Limits 3 Trailerable boats (<8.5ft beam & <26ft LOA): Less than.4 grams per gallon per day of hydrocarbon emissions. Non-trailerable boats (>8.5ft beam or >26ft LOA): Less than.16 grams per gallon per day of hydrocarbon emissions.
Carbon Canister Sizing 4
Carbon Canister Available Sizes L 99510HS L 99515HS L 99520HS L 99530HS L 99540HS1 Two or more canisters can be “daisy chained” together for increased capacity or to facilitate installation Carbon Canisters Heat Shields (Required for mounting in engine compartment)
Generation 1.0 Fuel System
22SEP08Brunswick Confidential Sean Whelan Product Development Engineer Hardware, Fuel & Trailering Categories phone/fax (616) / (616) In Line Surge Protector P-Trap 2L Carbon Canister