Tobacco Use Prevention Education Collaborative Session I Palo Verde Unified School District 02/23/2011
Background Information Proposition 99, approved by the California voters in the November 1988 general election, increased, by 25 cents, the tax on each pack of cigarettes sold in the state.Proposition 99, approved by the California voters in the November 1988 general election, increased, by 25 cents, the tax on each pack of cigarettes sold in the state. Of the TUPE funds allocated to the California Department of Education for school-based tobacco-use prevention education programs, the California Health and Safety Code Section requires at least two-thirds of the local assistance funds be allocated to local educational agencies for tobacco-use prevention, intervention, and cessation programs in schools as competitive grants.Of the TUPE funds allocated to the California Department of Education for school-based tobacco-use prevention education programs, the California Health and Safety Code Section requires at least two-thirds of the local assistance funds be allocated to local educational agencies for tobacco-use prevention, intervention, and cessation programs in schools as competitive grants. The TUPE program provides funding for programs in grades six through twelve through a competitive application process for tobacco-specific student instruction, reinforcement activities, special events, and intervention and cessation programs for students.The TUPE program provides funding for programs in grades six through twelve through a competitive application process for tobacco-specific student instruction, reinforcement activities, special events, and intervention and cessation programs for students. Programs are locally developed, but they are expected to align with the federal Principles of Effectiveness, the recommended California guidelines for tobacco prevention in Getting Results (Outside Source) and the Health Framework for California Public Schools (PDF; 1.92MB; 264pp.).Programs are locally developed, but they are expected to align with the federal Principles of Effectiveness, the recommended California guidelines for tobacco prevention in Getting Results (Outside Source) and the Health Framework for California Public Schools (PDF; 1.92MB; 264pp.).Getting ResultsHealth Framework for California Public SchoolsGetting ResultsHealth Framework for California Public Schools The purpose of the TUPE program is to reduce youth tobacco use by helping young people make healthful tobacco-related decisions through tobacco-specific Research-Validated (Outside Source) educational instruction and activities that build knowledge as well as social skills and youth development assets.The purpose of the TUPE program is to reduce youth tobacco use by helping young people make healthful tobacco-related decisions through tobacco-specific Research-Validated (Outside Source) educational instruction and activities that build knowledge as well as social skills and youth development assets.Research-Validated
Scoring Rubric (See attachment) Collaborative Process (25 Point Maximum) Demonstration of Need (20 Point Maximum) Proposed Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Project Plan (25 Points Maximum) Project Monitoring (10 Points Maximum) Pregnant Minor/Minor Parent Services (5 Points Maximum) Enforcement of Tobacco-free Policy (5 Points Maximum) Budget (10 Points Maximum)
Goals of Collaborative Group 1. Broad collaborative group. Applicants may demonstrate that a broad collaborative group is involved in developing and implementing the TUPE project by providing information such as: A list of collaborative members, the organizations they represent, their roles in the project for which funding is requested. Collaborative membership may include but are not limited to school staff, students, parents, other agencies and community organizations.1. Broad collaborative group. Applicants may demonstrate that a broad collaborative group is involved in developing and implementing the TUPE project by providing information such as: A list of collaborative members, the organizations they represent, their roles in the project for which funding is requested. Collaborative membership may include but are not limited to school staff, students, parents, other agencies and community organizations. 2. Description of how the collaborative operates. Applicants may provide a description of the operation of the collaborative by providing information such as: Identification of the person responsible for convening meetings, the number of meetings held, the frequency of those meetings, the person(s) responsible for the staff work of the collaborative, and how the decision-making process works. Identification of the person responsible for bringing information and progress reports to the collaborative throughout the grant period. A description of how students have been involved in the application development and how the collaborative will ensure the active participation of students and others throughout the three-year grant term.2. Description of how the collaborative operates. Applicants may provide a description of the operation of the collaborative by providing information such as: Identification of the person responsible for convening meetings, the number of meetings held, the frequency of those meetings, the person(s) responsible for the staff work of the collaborative, and how the decision-making process works. Identification of the person responsible for bringing information and progress reports to the collaborative throughout the grant period. A description of how students have been involved in the application development and how the collaborative will ensure the active participation of students and others throughout the three-year grant term. 3. Identification of Collaborative Roles. Applicants must provide a LOA/MOU between the LEA and any community organization(s) or other agencies which will take an active part in carrying out or administering the proposed project. The LOA/MOU must describe how the partner agency and/or organization(s) will participate in the project. Applicants are encouraged to provide a clear description of the role of each partner by including in the LOA/MOU information such as: A description of the roles of collaborative partners, individuals, or community organizations and/or agencies taking an active role in implementing or administering the proposed project. Descriptions of the specific details of cooperation, roles and responsibilities, service levels, types of services provided and time periods. Methods used to ensure quality of service. The amount of grant funding. Authorizing signatures of the grantee agency and each individual, organization, and/or agency providing services to the project.3. Identification of Collaborative Roles. Applicants must provide a LOA/MOU between the LEA and any community organization(s) or other agencies which will take an active part in carrying out or administering the proposed project. The LOA/MOU must describe how the partner agency and/or organization(s) will participate in the project. Applicants are encouraged to provide a clear description of the role of each partner by including in the LOA/MOU information such as: A description of the roles of collaborative partners, individuals, or community organizations and/or agencies taking an active role in implementing or administering the proposed project. Descriptions of the specific details of cooperation, roles and responsibilities, service levels, types of services provided and time periods. Methods used to ensure quality of service. The amount of grant funding. Authorizing signatures of the grantee agency and each individual, organization, and/or agency providing services to the project.
Ideas for Broadening Collaborative Group Accounting of current representative individuals/groups.Accounting of current representative individuals/groups. How can we reach out to students and allow for their participation in the collaborative?How can we reach out to students and allow for their participation in the collaborative? Which departments/agencies are in a good position to help us provide tobacco education and/or enforce District policies?Which departments/agencies are in a good position to help us provide tobacco education and/or enforce District policies? Individuals responsible for reaching out to future invitees.Individuals responsible for reaching out to future invitees. Need volunteers to establish contact with outside agencies to establish framework for LOA/MOU’s.Need volunteers to establish contact with outside agencies to establish framework for LOA/MOU’s.
Operation of Collaborative Person responsible for convening meetings: Meliton Sanchez (PVUSD)Person responsible for convening meetings: Meliton Sanchez (PVUSD) Number/frequency of meetings:Number/frequency of meetings: Information dissemination: Meliton Sanchez (PVUSD)Information dissemination: Meliton Sanchez (PVUSD) Decision making process:Decision making process: Electronic Discussion Forum:Electronic Discussion Forum: Specialization AreasSpecialization Areas
Concerns/Goals for Next Meeting Next Meeting Date/Time:Next Meeting Date/Time: Broadening of Collaborative:Broadening of Collaborative: Assess Current Need in Community:Assess Current Need in Community: Begin Development of Program Plan:Begin Development of Program Plan: