Industry Consultation Workshop I: New Ontario Waste Diversion Funding Obligations
Waste Diversion Act Stewardship Ontario Industry Consultation Workshop December 3, 2002 Presented by Keith West, Director Waste Management Policy Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Waste Diversion Act Enabling legislation Creates Waste Diversion Ontario corporation without share capital (non-profit) To develop, implement and operate waste diversion programs for designated materials Minister authorized to: designate materials require WDO to develop programs approve proposed programs Sets Blue Box funding requirement at 50 %
Ministry Oversight Role Designate material Request program Approve program Operating agreement Policy direction Non-voting member Set rules (if needed) Enforcement
Batteries Organic Waste Fluorescent Tubes Pharmaceuticals Electronics Household Special Waste Future Materials Used Oil
Designated Blue Box Waste Minister’s Regulation O. Reg. 273/02 Passed Sep 23, 2002 Designates Blue Box waste “Waste that consists of any of the following materials, or any combination of them, is prescribed as blue box waste for the purposes of the Act: Glass. Metal. Paper. Plastic. Textiles.”
Minister’s Directions for Blue Box Program Public consultation plan Support all “blue box waste” managed by, or on behalf of municipalities At minimum O. Reg. 101/94 materials Brand owners, first importers as stewards De minimis exemption Target for total quantity diverted Target for capture rate of each material
Minister’s Directions for Blue Box Program (cont’d) Calculating total net municipal costs Municipal payment formula including north/south, urban/rural variations Funding for performance incentives LCBO and CNA/OCNA commitments Research and development Developing/promoting recycled products Education, public awareness
Operating Agreement (OA) Establishes relationship between Minister and WDO WDO notified Sep 24, 2002 that OA needed Draft OA provided to WDO to review Draft OA subject to: Final negotiations with Ministry Comments through Environmental Registry Signing planned for end of 2002
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