A New System for Publishing and Archiving Volcano Hazard Information Statements using the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Dina Y. Venezky and Seth Snedigar USGS VHT and AVO ADGGS
The Volcano Hazards Program is responsible for monitoring all US volcanoes and issuing timely forecasts of volcanic hazard
Volcano Hazards Program comprises 5 Volcano Observatories and other major partners
LVO - Long Valley, California Caldera formed ~760,000 ka Most recent eruption ~250 yrs ago > 3 M visitors / year Several deaths this year due to CO 2
YVO - Yellowstone, WY Three caldera forming eruptions (2.1 Ma,1.3 Ma, 0.64 Ma) Most recent eruption ~ 70 ka < 3 M visitors / year Active hydrothermal system
CVO - Cascades, Pacific Northwest Monitors the Cascades Mount St. Helens activity since 2004 Mt. Rainier has > 1 M visitors / year and 3 M people live nearby Currently erupting
HVO - Hawaii Kilauea: erupting since 1983 Mauna Loa: last erupted in 1984, –Increased signs of unrest since 2002 > 1 M visitors / year Currently erupting
AVO - Alaska Monitors > 20 volcanoes Volcano accessibility challenges Ash is dangerous to aviation –1989 KLM 747 lost power –Regained power after descending out of cloud > 4 M airplane passengers / year Currently erupting
We monitor volcanoes remotely Earthquake Occurs on Little Sitkin Received on Amchitka Downlink in Palmer Processing and Automatic Analysis Scientific Analysis 4321
We record an event… Now what?
Small remote earthquake information is logged
More populated centers release daily updates One small earthquake (M=0.8) in the Long Valley caldera region since the last update on May 1. Long Valley Daily Update issued 10:57:32 AM on May 2, Color Code GREEN
Less populated areas release updates for elevated activity Augustine volcano has entered a period of repetitive explosive eruptions. Timing of eruptive events Hazards (example, lahar) Height of ash cloud Ash fall area
Multiple stakeholders determine response Media FAA NWS
Update frequency differs among observatories LVO - daily AVO - daily (elevated color code) weekly (monitored) YVO - monthly HVO - daily (Kilauea) weekly (Mauna Loa) CVO - daily (MSH) CNMI - weekly (Anatahan) As needed for new events
CAP is an XML based universal format Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) created for exchanging response information RSS Feed Bridges communication gap among agencies at all levels One message disseminated over multiple warning systems
CAP language created for generic disaster scenarios Urgency - Immediate, Expected, Future, Past, Unknown Severity - Extreme, Severe, Moderate, Minor, Unknown Certainty - (Observed) Very Likely, Likely, Possible, Unlikely, Unknown We need to fit volcanic events into CAP language
We created a customizable and flexible system Simple form Observatories have customized front page Data pulled from MySQL tables using PHP Observatory name triggers scripts on all common pages
Event vocabulary developed to supplement CAP information How do you translate non standard event descriptions into standard keywords? Event: Seismicity, Deformation, Thermal, Gas Emission, Volcanic Activity Dim glow? Vog? No mention?
One form multiple outputs Inserts into archive Sends to DMIS Sends Creates RSS feed Posts on websites
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Challenges Different volcanoes –Types –Accessibility –Densities of networks Different audiences –Airlines (FAA / NWS) –Land developers / Skiers Limited resources
Our new system creates and archives alerts Used by program Refining code, use, and process Revising websites to supplement information