Threats Database V4 Model Geodatabase Relation Class Creation and Data Population June 25, 2007 Marlene McKinnon, GIS Specialist
Background Since 2005 there has been an ‘Assessment Report Outputs: Data Specifications’ document. Now in Version 4.0 (April 27, 2007) Data Dictionary and basic structure has been there since that time for the Threats Database Now to incorporate functionality of the data we have Threats Database Version 4
Preparation This Process is for: Arc 9.1 Personal Geodatabase Windows XP Professional Database Compatibility: Review existing data and format of data structure Review in the documentation the relationship structure Match fields with Threats Database Version 4
Relationship Class (creation in Geodatabase) REGISTER the Tables that will be Related with the Geodatabase. If you try to create the relationship Class without the registry process you will get the above error message.
Step R1 Warning message when registering table to Geodatabase. Click on Yes to add the field.
Step R2 Wizard for ‘NEW RELATIONSHIP CLASS’. Select the tables for the relationship.
Step R3 If the tables have not been registered with the Geodatabase then you will receive the following message. At this point you must cancel the wizard and register the tables with the Geodatabase.
Step R4 Select the type of the relationship, the default should be Simple. But if the business needs require the function that can be obtained with the Composite then select that type.
Step R5 Determine if the messages should be generated and how.
Step R6 Review the data standards document to determine the cardinality of the relationship (1 to 1, 1 to many or many to many).
Step R7 Define if attributes would be added to the relationship class or not.
Step R8 Designating the Primary Key and the Foreign Key.
Step R9 Summary Page in the Wizard
Step R10 This is how the new Relationship Class will be represented in ArcCatalog.
Tabular REGISTER the table with the Geodatabase. If you try to load the data without the registry process you will get the above error message.
Step T1 Warning message when registering table to Geodatabase. Click on Yes to add the field.
Step T2 Simple Data Loader Wizard
Step T3 Simple Data Loader wizard dialog box
Step T4 Select the database with the data to load.
Step T5 This is a default dialog box.
Step T6 Dialog box to match the fields from the new structure to the database with the data.
Step T7 Should you only want specific data to load then start click on that button and then click on the Query Builder button.
Step T7a The query builder will assist you with your query.
Step T8 Final dialog box is the summary. REVIEW before you click on ‘Finish’.
Step T9 Should you have errors in the data load this dialog box will appear. Click on yes to view the errors. This is an example of the error message dialog box.
Review the loaded data. Should you have errors delete the records and repeat from Step 1 correcting the selections as required. View the data again. Step T10
Spatial Create a Personal Geodatabase for the spatial capture.
Step S1 Preparation for the LOADING, Look at the field name and data type. Refer to structure that you area going to be loading the data into. Double check all the fields with INTEGER and the length of the TEXT fields.
Step S2 Continue reviewing the fields.
Step S3 Finish the review
Step S4 Then create a FEATURE DATASET to establish the datum and projection of your data. Right click on the new GEODATABASE.
Step S5 Edit the SPATIAL REFERENCE to your area.
Step S6 Create a FEATURE CLASS by right clicking on the feature dataset.
Step S7 Name the feature class according to the naming convention of the Threats database design.
Step S8 Ensure that when you open this you select the GEOMETRY TYPE to match the data type you are going to load. Either line, point or polygon.
Step S9 Once that is selected click on IMPORT and select the appropriate TABLE STRUCTURE for the layer.
Step S10 Simple Data Loader Wizard
Step S11 Simple Data Loader wizard dialog box
Step S12 Select the database with the data to load.
Step S13 This is a default dialog box.
Step S14 Dialog box to match the fields from the new structure to the database with the data.
Step S15 Should you only want specific data to load then start click on that button and then click on the Query Builder button.
Step S15a The query builder will assist you with your query.
Step S16 Final dialog box is the summary. REVIEW before you click on ‘Finish’.
Step S17 Should you have errors in the data load this dialog box will appear. Click on yes to view the errors. This is an example of the error message dialog box.
Step S18 Review the loaded data. Should you have errors delete the records and repeat from Step 2 correcting the selections as required. View the data again.
Credits ESRI – Arc Editor and Arc Catalog Version 9.1 Threats Database V4 – Anne Trudell, WRIP, MNR