9th UN/CEFACT Forum Oct New Delhi, India Closing Plenary Organized by : Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry Government of India Co-hosts:
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi2 Agenda Highlights FMG Report Reports from the Permanent Groups Recommendations from the Forum + UNeDocs workshop Future UN/CEFACT Forum Concluding Remarks
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi3 Highlights 9 th UN/CEFACT Forum Inauguration Mr. R.R.Shah, Member Secretary, Planning Commission Mr. G.K.Pillai, Commerce Secretary, Government of India 242 Participants UNeDocs Workshop Inauguration Mr. Jairam Ramesh, Minister of state (Commerce), Government of India Dr. N.Vijayaditya, Director General, NIC 122 Participants
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi4 Highlights Cultural evening and dinner hosted by the Commerce Secretary, Government of India Lunch and Learn sessions Airport Authority of India Single Window – SITPRO GS1 Belgium NICSI, India Container Corporation of India Indian Ports Association CCTS
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi5 FMG Report Chair: Mike Doran Vice Chair: Anders Grangard
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi6 Objectives Important tasks to accomplish in the next 6 to 9 months. Complete the ODP, with validation & implementation Deliver a cohesive UN/CEFACT Website presence Support virtual collaboration & engage external stakeholders Complete Forum Project Portfolio information, including dependencies & timelines Coordination & synergy
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi7 Objectives Important tasks to accomplish in the next 6 to 9 months. Align & prioritise POW projects with the UN/CEFACT Integrated Strategy Improve communication between WGs Prepare requests for extra budgetary resources, including due diligence process in project proposal management Adoption of approved Code of Conduct
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi8 Objectives Important tasks to accomplish in the next 6 to 9 months. All PG Mandates & TORs terminate in 2007 Under UN rules, there are no Permanent Groups PGs can be extended for two years at a time To obtain extensions each PG will have to provide serious justification This means that each PG will have to show its POW, what it has achieved in terms of deliverables, future plans, deliverables.UN/CEFACT will have to report back every year.
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi9 FMG Agenda of the week Forum - spring 2007 Review of FMG processes & procedures Project Matrix UNTDED-CCTS issues This weeks Deliverables New project proposals Status of UneDocs
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi10 FMG Agenda of the week Web site proposals Status of UBL convergance Status of MRI ODP completion Closing plenary preparations Presentations Recommendations Press Release
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi11 FMG HOW ARE WE DOING? FMG met every evening & will continue this afternoon in the Extended Bureau to review the POW Members made required effort to constructive dialogue Continuous review of outstanding issues Start out as you mean to go along
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi12 FMG STILL A LONG WAY TO GO Understanding the needs of others Willingness to adapt to change Teamwork is the name of the game Openness & transparency in all that we do is essential Some legacy issues to settle
Applied Technology Group Bringing Syntax Solutions Together
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi14 Applied Technology Group Chair: Mark Crawford Vice Chairs: Jostein Frømyr & Gait Boxman Approved 4 Project Plans Next Version XML NDR Next Version SBDH (joint with TMG) Core Data Types Revised XML Representation of CCs
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi15 ATG1 – EDIFACT Syntax ATG1 DMR Review result Approved59 JTd22 Postponed 2 ============== Total83 As a reminder – if you are not available, your DMRs are postponed ATG1 is looking for more EDIFACT experts to ensure a more representative review and approval team
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi16 ATG2 Elections Chair: Jostein Frømyr Secretary: open XML Schema Production Completed review of 20 document schemas for TBG6 eTendering Completed review of UN/CEFACT Reusable Component Schema Module All schemas will be published as Release Candidate Standard Joint meeting with TMG/CCWG Alignment of project plans for CCTS v3 and XML NDR v3 Agreed to conduct a joint project to develop SBDH v2 Agreed to transfer the Core Data Type project from TMG to ATG TMG agreed to provide guidance on how different types of containers should be handled Progressed NDR v3 project to ODP step 3 (requirements definition) Updated XML Representation of CCs Project Plan
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi17 Next Meetings Next ATG F2F is scheduled for Week of January 15 Venue TBD Main agenda item will be the progression of the NDR v3 project Work will also be done on other projects
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi18 As always – New members are most welcome!
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi19 ICG – Information Content Management Group ICG - Closing Plenary Chair: Mike Conroy Vice-Chair: David Dobbing
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi20 Reviewed UN Recommendation change requests. Finalised the UN/CEFACT Registry Implementation Requirements Specification incorporating all comments received from the ODP. UN/CEFACT Registry Proof of concept tests to be initialised in: Canada, Government of Ontario Chinese Taipei, National Taiwan Normal University France, France Télécom Korea, Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce Highlights
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi21 Met with TBG17 and ATG to: establish a position concerning the UN/TDED. Agree on the versioning techniques and provide input for the development of the maintenance rules for the CCL. Met with TMG to clarify the mutual positions concerning the alignment of CCTS 3.0 and the UN/CEFACT Registry. Highlights
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi22 Work in progress Carry out the UN/CEFACT Registry Proof Of Concept Prepare the Registry implementation plan Audit the D.06B Edifact and CCL Directories Progress UNCL and Code list project
UN/CEFACT Legal Group Chair: Mr. Usva KUUSIHOLMA Vice-Chair: Mr. Bart W. SCHERMER
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi24 UN/CEFACT recommends study 1.A study to determine an appropriate set of measures to create legally enabling environment for an International Trade Single Window legal framework. check-list 2.Using the UN/CEFACT check-list of legal issues related to national and cross-border exchange of trade data 3.Amending existing legislation 3.Amending existing legislation, if necessary international standards and international legal instruments 4.Using international standards and international legal instruments, where available UN/CEFACT model “ consortium agreement ” model “ end user agreement ”. 5.Using UN/CEFACT model “ consortium agreement ” and model “ end user agreement ”. Draft Recommendation 35
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi25 UBAC Anders Tell resigned as project lead Requirements document (~20pages) approved by PG New project lead appointed in Oct 2006 Nexts steps Define a narrow scope out of the existing requirements document to be delivered as first working draft until the next UN/CEFACT Forum Meeting Request for participation to get more resources Project plan to be developed by the new project lead Approval of requirements document + project plan with the TMG STC UBAC to start ODP phase 3
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi26 Legal Group (LG) Next Legal Group meeting at UNOV, Vienna: Date:Monday, Time: :00
THANK YOU For more information Contact Secretariat: Ms. Azhar JAIMURZINA
Techniques and Methodologies Group Chair: Gunther Stuhec Vice-Chair: Christian Huemer
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi29 Chairs of TMG TMG Chair: Gunther Stuhec TMG Vice Chair:Christian Huemer TMG Secretary:Jim Wilson TMG-BPWG Chair:Jens Dietrich TMG-CCWG Chair:Jim Wilson TMG-EPAWG Chair:Steve Capell
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi30 CCWG This Week New Chair Elected (Jim Wilson). Thanks to Mary Kay Blantz for her contributions CCTS Transfer of CDT Catalogue to ATG CCTS V3.0 will be available for public review by end of October CCTS 2.01 Rule B25 issue identified by TBG 17 SBDH – Joint project between TMG and ATG UCM Met with TBG 17 to understand context-related issues they were struggling with. Met with TBG 14 to review the project proposal, review work-to-date, and discuss some of the high- level concepts.
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi31 BPWG This Week UMM UMM Foundation Module 1.0 and Base Module 1.0 completed the ODP UMM User Guide – „“UMM in a Nutshell“ is available three-page document describing the basic concepts BCSS BCSS changed to CCTS Part 3 – it is on ODP Step 5 It now supports UML 1.4 and UML2 and is ready for public review UBAC Requirements document (~20pages) approved by Project Team New project lead to be appointed in Oct 2006
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi32 EBAWG This Week New Chair Elected (Steve Capell). Thanks to Anders Tell for his contributions Glossary project completed to ODP5 Architecture project requirements completed. Short term goals are: Represent the complete UN/CEFACT Architecture on a clickable, browseable web site that allows both internal and external stakeholders to understand CEFACT product. Delivery of draft version of short term goals specified above due by End November 2006
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi33 Upcoming Meetings TMG Interim Meeting December 2006 Redwood City, California, USA Hosted by Oracle
International Trade and Business Processes Group (TBG) Chair : Jean-Luc Champion Vice-Chair : Pat Toufar
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi35
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi36 UN/CEFACT TBG’s WG Outcomes of the Week
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi37 Deliverables Release Candidate 21 e-Tendering XML Schemas
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi38 New Projects Approval eArchiving (TBG19) eDAPLOS (TBG18) Revision of Rec 11 & Rec 34 (TBG15) Ledger, Chart of Accounts, Trial Balance and Reporting (TBG12) Security for Documents and Messages (TBG6-1) Cross Industry Scheduling, Delivery & Order Status processes Marketing research/information process
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi39 Other results DAPLOS BRS for approval (RSM planned) Electronic certification for life animal export integrated to the E-CERT project Participation of the agriculture domain in the WCO data model Feedbacks on the “Roles and Responsibility” technical paper from CUSTOMS and FINANCE Re-opened “Common Business Process Catalog Technical Specification” to apply ICG feedback Draft new version of the BRS documents based on the best of UBL and the best of TBG1
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi40 TBG17 – Core Component Harmonization E-Tendering Messages Finalized submission of TBG6 e-Tendering BIEs Met with CCMA to resolve message naming Provided to ATG2 who produced 19 schema Joint Meetings ICG – 1) TDED 2) versioning in registry 3) audit rules UCM/TBG14 – context drivers Next Meeting: 13 – 17 November, Seoul Weekly calls, Tuesdays, 7 – 10 AM Eastern
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi41 TBG 15 – International Trade Procedure Contribution to the UNeDocs Workshop Three project proposals approved and e-Cert ratification project completed and transferred to TBG 18-Agriculture Very successful Open Day with 30 delegates supporting and contributing to projects Guide to Trade Facilitation Implementation. UN Recommendation 34 – Data Rationalization. UN Recommendation 35 – Legal Framework for the Single Window.
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi42 ICG Information Content Management Group Chair: Mike Conroy Vice Chair: David Dobbing
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi43 Reviewed UN Recommendation change requests. Finalised the UN/CEFACT Registry Implementation Requirements Specification incorporating all comments received from the ODP. UN/CEFACT Registry Proof of concept tests to be initialised in: Canada, Government of Ontario Chinese Taipei, National Taiwan Normal University France, France Télécom Korea, Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce Highlights
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi44 Met with TBG17 and ATG to: establish a position concerning the UN/TDED. Agree on the versioning techniques and provide input for the development of the maintenance rules for the CCL. Met with TMG to clarify the mutual positions concerning the alignment of CCTS 3.0 and the UN/CEFACT Registry. Highlights
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi45 Work in progress Carry out the UN/CEFACT Registry Proof Of Concept Prepare the Registry implementation plan Audit the D.06B Edifact and CCL Directories Progress UNCL and Code list project
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi46 Concluding Remarks Mike Doran
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi47 Concluding Remarks The 9th UN/CEFACT Forum: Very successful,exceptional support from the Government of India Good participation from host country Excellent co-hosts, disappointing that some important WGs not present Important lessons learned for the future
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi48 Concluding remarks A great deal of work achieved this week, nonetheless we must: apply due diligence to the integrated programme of work ensure transparent & effective procedures & workflow deliver proven architecture & message specifications rally those interested in working together with us, and funding us (within and outside the UN)“
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi49 Future Forum Meetings Spring - March, 2007 * GENEVA - CERN (tbc) * VIENNA - (tbc) * Washington, DC (tbc) Autumn - September * STOCKHOLM - (3rd week-tbc) * BERLIN - offer (last week in August)
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi50 Thanks Our sincere thanks are due to: Technical Support Team Heads of Delegations Co-Hosts & Sponsor Organising Team
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi51 Thanks Our sincere thanks are due to: Dick & Sue Our Co-hosts & sponsors The Government of India Tahseen Khan & his team
October 2, 20069th UN/CEFACT FORUM New Delhi52