Willy Van Puymbroeck European Commission Head of Unit Nanoelectronics A Common Strategic Framework for Research, Development and Innovation in Europe Willy Van Puymbroeck European Commission Head of Unit Nanoelectronics 1
Outline presentation EU2020 HORIZON 2020 EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth A Digital Agenda for Europe Industrial policy for the Globalisation Era Towards an Innovation Union HORIZON 2020 Outlook and Budget Impact, simplification and architecture Challenges and funding schemes An eco-system for nano-electronics in Europe Study findings Creating a prosperous environment in Europe Examples – Clusters and Pilot Lines in Key Enabling Technologies Current funding opportunities with the Commission 2
EUROPE 2020: A EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth By 2020: 75 % (now 69) employment rate (% of population aged 20-64 years) 3% (now 1,8) Investment in R&D (% of EU’s GDP) “20/20/20” climate/energy targets met (incl. 30% emissions reduction if conditions are right) < 10% (now 15) early school leavers & min. 40% (now 31) hold tertiary degree 20 million less people (now 80) should be at risk of poverty
EUROPE 2020: 3 priorities, 7 flagship initiatives Innovation Union Promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy Fostering high employment economy delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion Developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation A strategy for SMART, SUSTAINABLE and INCLUSIVE growth Innovation Union An Agenda for new skills and jobs Resource efficient Europe Digital Agenda for Europe An industrial policy for the globalisation era European Platform against Poverty Youth on the move http://ec.europa.eu/eu2020
A Digital Agenda for Europe Every European Digital! Flagship A Digital Agenda for Europe Every European Digital! Communication COM(2010)245 of 19.05.2010 A vibrant digital single market Fast and ultra fast internet access Interoperability and standards Trust and security Enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion Research and innovation ICT-enabled benefits for EU society http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/digital-agenda
Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era EU2020 Flagship Communication COM(2010)614 of 28.10.2010 Putting Competitiveness and Sustainability at Centre Stage. Improving framework conditions for industry Strengthening the Single Market A new industrial innovation policy Capitalising on globalisation Promoting industrial modernisation The sector-specific dimension - a targeted approach 6
Towards an INNOVATION UNION Targets - excerpts Communication COM(2010)546 6.10.2010 Completing the European Research Area (already by 2014) joint programming with Member States and regions … Improving framework conditions for business to innovate single EU Patent, access to capital, setting of interoperable standards, making full use of public procurement, prototype manufacturing, … Strengthen partnerships in knowledge triangle between education, business, research and innovation and between knowledge clusters people, institutions, infrastructures, regions, … Launching EIP’s: 'European Innovation Partnerships' where all EU instruments to support innovation should work together structural funds, rural development funds, R&D framework programme, CIP … EIB … and streamline administrative procedures …
Strengthening Europe's knowledge base Getting good ideas to market Towards an INNOVATION UNION Targets - excerpts From idea to the market Excellent Knowledge Base Access to finance Innovation Market Strengthening Europe's knowledge base Research and education nurture innovation. Europe would require at least one million more researchers in the next decade to reach the target of investing 3% of EU GDP on R&D by 2020. In education, the Commission will support business-academia collaborations to develop new curricula addressing innovation skills gaps. It will also support an independent ranking for universities. Maximising regional and social benefits To avoid an "innovation divide" between the strongest innovating regions and the others, the Commission will assist Member States to use better the remaining part of the €86 billion of structural funds programmed for 2007-2013 for research and innovation projects. Getting good ideas to market The Innovation Union proposes to create a genuine single European market for innovation which would attract innovative companies and businesses. To achieve this, several measures are proposed in the fields of patent protection, standardization, public procurement and smart regulation.
Horizon 2020 Outlook and budget Proposal by the Commission in ‘A budget for Europe 2020’ on Research and Innovation Budget for 2014 -2020 of EUR 80 billion in constant 2011 prices Bring together FP7, the innovation part of Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) and European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Structured around three distinct reinforcing blocks Excellence in the science base Tackling societal challenges Creating industrial leadership and competitive frameworks Includes both agenda-driven activities and more open areas for applications Implementation will be simplified and standardised
Horizon 2020 Increasing impact FROM different priorities in each programme and initiative TO common strategic priorities, focusing on societal challenges, competitiveness and research excellence FROM gaps between the stages (R&D, demonstration, piloting, market uptake …) TO coherent support for projects and organisations across the innovation cycle
Horizon 2020 Achieving simplification FROM a large variety of funding schemes within and between programmes TO a rationalised toolkit of funding schemes across the CSF FROM different rules in each programme and initiative TO more standardised rules across all initiatives – which meet the different needs and with flexibility where needed FROM multiple websites, guidance documents, applications TO common entry point, one stop shop, common IT platform
Horizon 2020 Architecture Shared objectives and principles Creating Industrial Leadership & Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling technologies ICT Nanotech, Production, Materials Biotech Space Access to risk finance & venture capital High potential SMEs Excellence in the Research Base Frontier research (ERC & FET Flagships) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures incl. e-Infrastructures Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographics and wellbeing Food security and bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Resource efficiency & climate impact Inclusive, innovative & secure society (EIT) Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Shared objectives and principles
Horizon 2020 Challenges and funding schemes – a comprehensive picture Infrastructures and skills Strategic, Roadmap based Open, Agile User-driven testing, piloting Societal challenges e.g. support to EIPs Light WP Anytime e.g. Living labs Pilots Industrial leadership e.g. HPC access Small size SMEs specific e.g. PPPs Pilots Excellence in science ERC e.g. FET Flagships eInfrastructures
AN ECO-SYSTEM FOR NANOELECTRONICS Findings of a Study on Nanoelectronics in Europe-2011 “More Moore” Europe could lose out in the competitive race: Building fabs subsidies are higher in US and China Losing manufacturing/process know-how may lead to a loss in R&D No new advanced labs and fabs planned in Europe for next technological steps (<=22nm) EUV lithography and 450mm fabs delays may be a chance or a threat “More than Moore” Europe has a chance to maintain a leading position: Market is rapidly growing in several domains (MEMS, automotive, photovoltaics, …) Mastering manufacturing is required to perform large volume productions R&D is less expensive than “More Moore” but still essential Pilot lines or lab-fabs are crucial to bring innovations to a manufacturing step
Increasing synergies between policy instruments: AN ECO-SYSTEM FOR NANOELECTRONICS Creating a prosperous environment in Europe Increasing synergies between policy instruments: Making most of existing funding mechanisms Smart specialisation strategies – linking innovation clusters Lifelong learning – excellence in education skills developments Supporting pilot lines, early product validation actions, … Promoting entrepreneurship …
Vision, Mission, Strategy AN ECO-SYSTEM FOR NANOELECTRONICS Making most of existing funding mechanisms FP7 MS Vision, Mission, Strategy Specific Programme FP7 EU Level Application oriented
AN ECO-SYSTEM FOR NANOELECTRONICS Pilot Lines in Key Enabling Technologies Source: HLG KETs Wshop, BXL, March 2010
AN ECO-SYSTEM FOR NANOELECTRONICS Current funding opportunities with the Commission Call for Proposals – Call 8 Close 17/01/2012 at 17.00 Brussels local time Including Coordination and Support Actions: Broaden services to offer … access to training, to CAD tools and to advanced technologies, design kits and IP blocks for education, prototyping and small volume production Road maps, bench marks, strategy papers, studies of limits … Stimulating of young people towards electronic careers; training an education for high school students; access for students and PhDs to production lines and research labs International co-operation Support, coordination and standardisation actions including preparatory work for 450mm wafer processing targeting material and equipment companies
THANK YOU Willy.VanPuymbroeck@ec.europa.eu Information Society and Media: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/nanoelectronics/mission_en.html European research on the web: http://cordis.europa.eu http://www.eniac.eu