HLG Meeting, 19 September 2013 1 Meeting of the High Level Group on Administrative Burdens 2013 NKR Annual Report Dr. Johannes Ludewig Chairman of the.


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Presentation transcript:

HLG Meeting, 19 September Meeting of the High Level Group on Administrative Burdens 2013 NKR Annual Report Dr. Johannes Ludewig Chairman of the Nationaler Normenkontrollrat Brussels, 19 September 2013 Transparency of Costs Improved – Focus on further Burden Reduction

HLG Meeting, 19 September Stock-taking I (Period under review: 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013) Discernible increase in annual compliance costs

HLG Meeting, 19 September Stock-taking II (Period under review: 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013) One-off compliance costs are of major relevance Most relevant regulatory initiatives: Standortauswahlgesetz (BMU) ( 2 billion) Regulation implementing the Industrial Emissions Directive (BMU) ( 846 million)

HLG Meeting, 19 September Stock-taking III (Period under review: 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013) Review activity of the NKR regulatory proposals have been reviewed - thereof: 123 laws, 218 regulations (secondary law), 7 administrative provisions Development of the annual compliance costs - Increase by 1.5 billion on balance Development of one-off compliance costs - Adjustment costs normally generated by new regulations - Total of 4.36 billion during the period under review

HLG Meeting, 19 September Stock-taking IV (Period under review: 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013) Example: Market Transparency Office Act 2012 Transparency on follow-up costs led to a better basis for decision-making and to a considerable cost reduction

HLG Meeting, 19 September Stock-taking V (Period under review: 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013) Share of annual compliance costs attributable to EU law - Number of regulatory initiatives serving the transposition of EU Directives: 56 Please note: Directly applicable EU regulations are not included in the ex ante procedure. Thus, we do not know about the share of compliance costs attributable to EU regulations.

HLG Meeting, 19 September Stock-taking VI (Period under review: 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013) Further achievements beyond the assessment of compliance costs: Systematic ex post evaluation has been introduced - All laws with follow-up costs as of 1 million will be reviewed after three to five years. - Evaluation criteria: target attainment & cost efficiency EU law: Internal working rules for the identification of cost-intensive EU initiatives have been improved - December 2012 decision of the Federal Government Participation of Federal states and municipalities has been enhanced - Active participation of law enforcers in estimating expected costs of regulatory proposals is indispensable - Establishment of a Federal states working group

HLG Meeting, 19 September Objectives for the further development of the programme (I) Increasing political attention - Consideration of expected costs of new legislation should be firmly established in the deliberations of the German Parliament Exploiting potentials for further cost reductions - New cross-level projects with contributions by all parties involved in selected administrative procedures (Federal Government, Federal states, municipalities, business associations, citizens) - Consistent implementation of current projects, i.e. eGovernment Setting new targets - Political pressure to restrict the costs for citizens, businesses and public authorities to a minimum - See: Experience made with the 25% reduction target for administrative burdens

HLG Meeting, 19 September Objectives for the further development of the programme (II) Holistic approach to better regulation and an efficient reduction of bureaucracy * Topics under discussion.

HLG Meeting, 19 September Contact Nationaler Normenkontrollrat Willy-Brandt-Straße Berlin Internet: