Landfill Gas Calculator & Other Engineering Tools in RETScreen
Objectives Review basics of the RETScreen landfill gas calculator Introduce other engineering tools available in the RETScreen Tools worksheet
Landfill Gas Landfills produce methane as waste decomposes This can be used as the fuel for cooling, heating or power projects LFG CHP for district heating system, Sweden Photo Credit: Urban Ziegler, NRCan Photo Credit: Gaz Metropolitan
Project Example: Grid Projects Landfill gas fuelled power plant using a lean-burn engine Bergen, Norway 1.3 MW US$ 0.03/kWh 37% efficiency Photo credit: CADDET Centre for Renewable Energy Power plant in Bergen, Norway 1.3 MW Lean-Burn Engine
Conclusions RETScreen’s Engineering Tools are accessible from within the software on the Tools worksheet Landfill Gas calculator is a companion tool which is automatically linked to the software when landfill gas is chosen as a fuel type Other Engineering Tools provide a quick way to add detail or provide secondary information to your RETScreen project (e.g. Biogas) You can customize and extend by building your own tools