Innovation Development in Europe Dr. Miroslav Janecek R&D Council
The place of innovation process in the knowledge based economy The only way how to secure the sustainable existence of the company/society Leverage between knowledge production and application sector (industry, society) Important tool for jobs creation
Europeans´ weaknesses Lower courage to take over the risk Legal aspects Insufficient transfer of knowledge
Innovate for a Competitive Europe - New Action Plan for Innovation Innovate everywhere Get innovation on the market Knowledge everywhere Invest in innovation Skills for innovation Effective innovation governance
Specific features of new member states Restructuring of the economy (esp. of the industry) industry) Shortage of capital (F F Capital, Venture Capital) Capital) Need of R D reorientation
Case study – Czech National Innovation Policy Still missing State of the art (strenghts and weeknesses) State of the art (strenghts and weeknesses) Role of NIP Contribution to the knowledge economy Contribution to the knowledge economy NIP preparation NIP´ main features NIP´ main features Coordination with other strategic documents Coordination with other strategic documents
The role of Structural Fonds Operational program Industry and Enterpreneurship (Innovation Prosperity, Enterpreneurship (Innovation Prosperity, JPD 3) JPD 3) Operational program Human Resources SF for the new financial periode
Thanks for your attention Miroslav Janeček