1 Mr. Yngve Engström Head of Unit, Regional Programmes Civil Society Facility.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Yngve Engström Head of Unit, Regional Programmes Civil Society Facility

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Policy Background 2005/2006 Commission Com on the Western Balkans and on Civil Society Dialogue in Candidate Countries: Importance of extended relationship between CSOs from Europe and from the region 2007/2008 Enlargement Strategy Paper: Emphasis on fundamental issues such as civil society development and people to people contacts in the region and with the EU 2008 Commission Com on the Western Balkans: Creating conditions conducive to further growth of CSOs activities

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Civil Society Facility A common strategy for supporting civil society under IPA through 3 strands: - Civic Initiatives and Capacity Building - People to People Programme - Partnership Actions indicative budget of 130 million, of which approximately 90 million for Western Balkans and 40 million for Turkey

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Civil Society Facility The facility will build on the strategy developed over time, but with an increased focus and importance to : Raise capacity of local NGOs Strengthen responsibility in the CSOs sector Facilitate networking and partnership building Create mutual knowledge and understanding

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 NATIONAL PROGRAMMES The Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Documents Key challenge to strengthen the civil society dialogue in the overall process of the countries accession Civil society capacity building will gain in importance Implemented by EC Delegations or in the case of decentralied management (DIS) by the Beneficiary (Croatia, Turkey)

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Albania IPA ,9 million foreseen to support civil society (and media) on the basis of the recommendations to be provided by the Multi beneficiary "tailor made" technical assistance

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Bosnia & Herzegovina IPA Programming 2008 : Call for proposals (3,5 million) in order to: Support CSOs cooperation with municipal authorities Establish a permanent NGOs fee based training Centre Raise CSOs capacity in addressing environmental problems Create and implement the National Youth Strategy

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Croatia IPA Programme 2008 : 3 Grant Schemes (1 million per call for proposals) in order to: Enhance CSOs' monitoring of the implementation of the EU acquis and advocacy Increase the effectiveness of the Croatian CSOs in the policy fields of transparency and accountability of public administration and fight against corruption; comprehensive anti-discrimination strategy and sustainable development.

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA 2008 Programme : Service Contract ( 0,3 million) in order to: Assist the Unit for Cooperation with NGOs in the General Secretariat Grant Contracts (1million) in order to: Improve NGOs involvement in decision making process Increase NGOs social services and community-based activities Raise awareness on fight against corruption and organised crime Increase quality in inter ethnical relations Strengthen NGO management and fundraising capacity

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Montenegro IPA 2009 Programme Grant Contracts (1,2 - 3 million) in order to: Raise awareness on EU Environmental policy Support anti-discrimination Enhance cultural dialogue

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Serbia IPA million foreseen to support dialogue and partnership between the Serbian authorities and the Civil Society in order to: Consolidate civil society sector through mainstreaming civil society issues Promote civil society in monitoring the effectiveness of government policies and programmes

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) IPA 2008 Programme Call for Proposals ( 0,7 million) in order to: Strengthen civil society involvement in policy making Raise awareness in the area of environment and equal opportunities Additional Assistance of 1 million is foreseen.

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Turkey IPA million foreseen to strengthen dialogue with civil society organisation in order to: Facilitate domestic development of civil society and its involvement in the shaping of public policies Reinforce social dialogue and trade union rights Promote cultural diversity and minority rights Support social inclusion of vulnerable persons, including Roma

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Multi-beneficiary Programme IPA Technical Assistance (Service Contract, 8 million, contract Q1 2009) Identify priority needs of the civil society sector in the region Design and deliver training programmes Develop communication tools, e.g. website and database Advise on ad hoc basis individual CSOs Evaluate the impact of (donor funded) actions Publish and disseminate project results Advise on further actions (Call for proposals)

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Multi-beneficiary Programme IPA People 2 People Programme (Service Contract, 2 million) Organise EU visits for groups of people belonging to existing organisations, individuals who play a central role in disseminating information on EU policies and are reputed promoters of civil society rights and role Raising awareness on relevant EU matters Bringing the understanding of the acquis closer to the citizens Stimulating NGOs influence and dissemination of knowledge Fuelling relationship between CSOs, CSOs and the public bodies

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Multi-beneficiary Programme IPA Partnership Actions Environmental Forum (Service Contract, 0,3 million) Set up NGO/EC platform / system of information and discussion Environment, Energy Efficiency, Health and Security at Work (Grant Contracts 2,5 million) Developing networks and partnership in the region and at the EU Encouraging intervention and transparency of public administrations Fostering public awareness on good practices and legal measures

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Multi-beneficiary Programme IPA Partnership Actions Fight Against Corruption, Organised Crime and Trafficking (Grant Contracts 1 million, contract Q3 2009) Awareness of citizens, CSOs and media about needs in the fields Create structure for constant monitoring of implementation of reform Create and develop CSOs networks

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Conclusions The Civil Society Facility will harmonise civil society support under IPA combining a regional and national approach The multi-beneficiary programme will prepare the grounds for national programmes as concerns some countries and at the same time complement the national programmes by providing multi-country co-operation and exchange opportunities for CSOs leading to:

Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008 Conclusions Further ability of CSOs to collect, analyse and disseminate information Stronger capacity of CSOs to represent the views of citizens in policy dialogue Effective communication between all groups of CSOs Dialogue between CSOs and public authorities fostering a participatory democracy

Contacts Workshop on "IPA: Its Contribution to Civil Society Development" Brussels18 April 2008