EU-funded Research on Digital Preservation


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Presentation transcript:

EU-funded Research on Digital Preservation Javier Hernández-Ros European Commission, Information Society and Media Unit "Cultural Heritage and Technology Enhanced Learning“ APA 2011 Conference, 8-9 Nov., London

EU policy actions related to DP "i2010 Digital Libraries" initiative (2005) strategy for digitisation, online accessibility and digital preservation of Europe's collective memory Commission Recommendation on Digitisation and Online Accessibility of Cultural Material and Digital Preservation (2006 – updated 27.10.11) national strategies and quantitative and qualitative targets, including financial planning improved conditions for digital preservation 9 projects with partners from all over Europe, run 3-4 years

EU policy actions Member States' Expert Group on Digitisation and Digital Preservation (2007) exchange of good practices, monitoring progress in EU Member States Communication from the Commission: 'Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Access, Dissemination and Preservation' (2007) digital repositories for science and research will be followed (first half 2012) by a recommendation for improving access to, management of and preservation of scientific publications and data 9 projects with partners from all over Europe, run 3-4 years

EU policy actions "The New Renaissance", report of Commission's Reflection Group ("Comité des Sages") on digitisation on Digitisation and Digital Preservation (January 2011) set of recommendations for the digitisation, online accessibility and preservation of Europe's cultural heritage in the digital age Recommendation on Digitisation and Digital Preservation (October 2011) asking Member States to step up their efforts, pool their resources and involve private actors in digitising cultural material and making it available through Europeana 9 projects with partners from all over Europe, run 3-4 years

Pioneer Work under FP6 Awareness rising activities Establishment of common problem definitions, terminology and concepts Memory institutions as drivers Building up a solid body of expertise in the European research community influence on international standardisation initiatives (e.g. PREMIS, OAIS, TRAC). ••• 5 5 5

Recent and ongoing work Fundamental research moved beyond the preservation of simple documents and data towards interactive objects, embedded objects, ontologies and ephemeral data e. g. LiWA (Web archiving), PLANETS (validation of objects according to format specifications and of preservation actions) ••• 6 6 6

Recent and ongoing work Applied research & development addressing needs of user communities holding large collections of complex digital objects, e.g. audiovisual archives (PrestoPRIME) improving workflows through automation, decision support and scalability (e.g. SCAPE, ARCOMEM, ENSURE) broad range of use cases industry and services sector: aerospace, health care, finance science: astronomy, genomics governmental and broadcasters' archives libraries and web archives ••• 7 7 7

Recent and ongoing work Networking broadening of the digital preservation community increasing participation of industry players as solution providers or problem owners (e.g. APARSEN, SHAMAN, TIMBUS) Foundations Open Planets Foundation: provides practical solutions and expertise, building on R&D outputs of PLANETS competence centre for preservation of digital audiovisual material: PrestoCentre ••• 8 8 8

Significant Institutions in Digital Preservation Projects x 28.03.2017 9

Targeted Stakeholders of Digital Preservation Projects 28.03.2017 10

ICT Programme: Funding of Digital Preservation Research total: 94.16 M€ FP7 68.4 M€ FP6 24.9 M€ FP5 0.9 M€ 28.03.2017 11 11

Some achievements of EU-funded research methods and tools for preservation planning: PLANETS formal models to characterise digital objects: DigitalPreservationEurope OIAS-based technology platform, tested on various types of content: CASPAR emulators for obsolete media (early computer games): KEEP advanced tools for web archiving: LiWA framework for digital preservation in the context of memory institutions: SHAMAN ••• 12 12 12

New Research: Next Call for proposals ICT Call 9 18 January until 17 April 2012 Budget for objective "Digital Preservation" € 30 million ••• 13 13 13

Digital Preservation in the ICT Work Programme 2011-2012 28/03/2017 Digital Preservation in the ICT Work Programme 2011-2012 Target Outcomes More reliable and secure preservation technologies and methods (funding scheme: STREP) Technologies and systems for intelligent management of preservation (IP) Interdisciplinary research networks (NoE) Promotion schemes for the uptake of digital preservation research outcomes (CSA) To date, long-term preservation approaches have comprised of emulation, migration, normalization, and metadata - or some combination of these. Most existing work has focussed on applying these approaches to digital objects of a singular media type: text, HTML, images, video or audio. In this paper, we consider the preservation of composite, mixed-media digital objects, a rapidly growing class of resources. Digital Libraries have reached a point where acceptable architectures must accommodate objects that aggregate datastreams of a wide variety of media- types, and must allow for the association of secondary data – including metadata supporting discovery, digital preservation and rights management – with those datastreams. Also, the notion of the – static or dynamic – association of dissemination capabilities with such objects must be entertained by contemporary Digital Library architectures. 14

The Future: vision of digital preservation landscape Now Near future Long term preservation of files / data preservation of complex material: heterogeneous and evolving content (web), applications, processes… preservation of knowledge and user experiences innovative technologies established technologies: scaling to high volumes and varied material, validated with end users, standards... transparent techno-logies: preservation embedded in digital objects & their life-cycle digital holdings of memory institutions digital assets of all types of organisations (administrations, industry, businesses, service sector) the digital memory of the society and of individuals

The New EU Financial Framework 2014- 2020 Horizon 2020 – Commission proposes a significant increase to Research and Innovation funding Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - cross-border infrastructures in energy, transport and ICT to strengthen the internal market

Horizon 2020 in the Multiannual Financial Framework Multiannual Financial Framework (2014-2020) Commission proposal adopted on 29 June 2011 Proposed amount for Horizon 2020: €80 billion in constant 2011 prices (~€90 billion in current prices) 46% increase compared to current period (2007-2013) Research and innovation increases to 8.5% of overall EU budget For decision by European Council, European Parliament

Horizon 2020 – Objectives and structure Shared objectives and principles Tackling Societal Challenges Creating Industrial Leadership and Com- petitive Frameworks Excellence in the Science Base Common rules and funding schemes

Key features Clear set of objectives based on Europe 2020 and Innovation Union Integrating research and innovation in a seamless programme Focus on overall policy priorities – using a challenge based approach Programme structured by objectives Common toolkit of funding schemes

Connecting Europe Facility CEF 2014-2020 Commission proposal to promote the completion of: Energy priority corridors €9.1 billion Transport core network €21.7 billion Broadband and key digital services €9.2 billion High speed Internet 9 European Digital Infrastructures

Connecting Europe Facility CEF: Key digital services Access to digital resources of European heritage: make available large collections of European cultural resources in digital form Foster their re-use by third parties Core platform: Europeana Generic services Includes competence centres on digitisation and preservation of digital cultural heritage The CEF proposal makes explicit reference to use the competence centres as provides for generic services for digitisation and digital preservation

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