Mission Mitigation Incentivizing local risk reduction
2 Risk MAP Vision Through collaboration with State, Local, and Tribal entities, Risk MAP will deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property.
3 Spectrum of Engagement InformConsultInvolveCollaborateEmpower
4 What are we incentivizing? Risk Reduction Action Local Plans and Regulations Zoning, Regulatory Plans & Building Codes Structure and Infrastructure Projects Man made and natural resource protection Community Identified Program Ongoing local efforts to reduce risk
5 Action Sub Categories Local Plans and Regulations Building Codes Coastal Zone Management Comprehensive Plan Floodplain Management Master Plan Open Space Preservation Stormwater Management Subdivision Ordinance Zoning Set backs Etc…
6 Action Sub Categories Structural & Infrastructure Projects Acquisition Elevation Flood Control/Management Forest or Vegetation Management Natural Systems Restoration Soil Stabilization or Erosion Control Retrofit Safe Room Construction Underground Utilities Etc…
7 New York City Subway – 1992 Flood
8 Action Sub Categories Community Identified Program Incentives Stream Maintenance Thinning & Chipping Urban Tree Management Etc…
9 OutcomeInputs incentivesfeasibilityvalue Risk Reduction Incentives Initiative
10 Incentives Initiative: Approach Incentive Concepts
11 The Mitigation Model PartnershipsRecognition/Rewards Regulatory and Economic Alignment
12 Regulatory and Economic Alignment Resilience: The ability of a community to anticipate risk, limit impact, and bounce back rapidly through adaptation, evolution and growth in the face of turbulent change.
13 Recognition and Rewards Mission Mitigation
14 Partnerships – Local Initiatives 1. Character/Identity 2. Inclusivity 3. Good Schools 4. Good Governance 5. Housing 6. Livability 7. Public Safety 8. Transportation 9. Jobs 10. Tax Revenue/Income What does your community care about right now? Unemployment: GDP Per Capita: Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics
15 Partnerships – Integrating Mitigation into Local Initiatives Chicago Nashville San Antonio
16 City of Youngstown, Ohio Foreclosures and the Special Food Hazard Area Partnerships – Integrating Mitigation into Local Initiatives
17 Partnerships – Integrating Mitigation into Local Initiatives
18 Partnerships – Community Networks
19 Partnerships – Private Sector
20 Long Beach, CA Fault Lines
21 Long Beach, CA Fault Lines and Landslide
22 Long Beach, CA Fault Lines, Landslide and Tsunami
23 Long Beach, CA Fault Lines, Landslide, Tsunami and Fire
24 Sacramento, CA FEMA Flood
25 New Orleans, LA FEMA Flood Maps
26 New Orleans, LA FEMA Flood and Q3 Data
27 Insurance Calculation
28 Mitigation Model: Wunderground maps to go live 2. Complete work on the Resilient Communities Index criteria and database 3. Develop and implement peer to peer partnership network 4. Integrate partnership ideas into our community engagement strategies