Leading God’s People God’s Way Lesson 18 – The Law of Momentum
The Law of Momentum Momentum is a leader’s best friend Matthew 25:21 His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)The two faithful servants did something with what they received. And, they created momentum in their lives. What are you doing with what God has given you? Are you creating momentum in your life? b)Faith is a momentum starter. Fear kills momentum. Take an honest look at your own life. Do you tend to walk more by faith, or more by fear?
Our Story in History Judah 1000 David dies after ruling Israel for 40 years. His son Solomon becomes king of Israel c. 970 BC Solomon dies after ruling Israel for 40 years. The kingdom was divided after his son Rehoboam became king and refused to listen to the people c. 930 BC JoshuaJesus c. = circa (about) Solomon Israel
Scriptures to Read 1 Kings 1: Kings 1: Kings 3: Kings 3: Kings 4: Kings 4: Kings 5: Kings 5: Kings 9: Kings 9:15-26
Solomon Anointed as King KIDRON VALLEY The City of David (Jebus renamed to Jerusalem) Meters Present day wall of Old City in Jerusalem David called for his officials Zadok, Nathan, and Benaiah and told them to take his son Solomon to Gihon and anoint his to be the next king of Israel. Gihon Spring City of David
Solomon Goes to Worship God Jerusalem Solomon went to Gibeon to offer sacrifices to the Lord. There the Lord spoke to him in a dream and asked him what he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom to be able to lead God’s people. Then he returned to Jerusalem. Gibeon
Solomon Builds the Temple Jerusalem Hiram, the king of Tyre, heard that Solomon had become king of Israel. Because he had been on friendly terms with David, he sent an envoy to Solomon. Solomon responded by agreeing to stay friends and asking for Hiram’s help with timber to build the Temple. Egypt Tyre
KIDRON VALLEY Solomon’s additions to Jerusalem Meters Present day wall of Old City in Jerusalem Solomon set about building Jerusalem and Israel. He built the Lord’s Temple and his own palace in Jerusalem. He also extended the city itself… Gihon Spring City of David Solomon Builds the Temple The City of David (Jebus renamed to Jerusalem) Solomon’s Palace The Lord’s Temple
Solomon’s Temple
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)Solomon asked for wisdom and not for wealth or victory over his enemies. His request was strategic and not selfish. What kinds of things do you ask the Lord for in your prayers? b)Solomon did so much more than David did because of the momentum that he inherited from his father. Are you passing momentum on to the next generation of leaders following you?
Solomon Builds on David’s Momentum Jerusalem Solomon continued to build and expand Israel. He built on the momentum his father David had created… Egypt Tyre Hazor Tadmor Megiddo Beth Horon Gezer Baalath Gaza Ezion Geber Solomon’s Kingdom David’s Kingdom
What Do We Learn From Solomon? 1. Often the only difference between winning and losing is momentum. 2. Momentum is a good leader’s gift. 3. Momentum does not sustain itself. 4. While a good leader sustains momentum, a great leader increases it.
Often the only difference between winning and losing is momentum Momentum is a leaders best friend. Here is how the first four kings of Israel did when it came to momentum: 1. Saul lacked momentum 2. David created momentum 3. Solomon built momentum 4. Rehoboam stopped momentum
Momentum is a good leader’s gift David gave Solomon the gift of momentum. Here are five things Solomon did to keep momentum going: 1. He started with what David provided 2. He humbly asked for leadership wisdom above all else 3. He made wise decisions that won him credibility
Momentum is a good leader’s gift David gave Solomon the gift of momentum. Here are five things Solomon did to keep momentum going: 4. He maintained the peace 5. He surrounded himself with wise associates
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)Often the only difference between winning or loosing is momentum. How is momentum affecting your progress? b)David gave Solomon the gift of momentum. Have you been given the gift of momentum? If you have, what are you doing with it?
Momentum does not sustain itself It is the leader’s job to sustain momentum. Here are three things he must possess to do so: 1. A willingness to accept responsibility for the organization’s momentum 2. A willingness to direct momentum instead of letting it direct you 3. A willingness to be enthusiastic at all times
While a good leader sustains momentum, a great leader increases it Solomon not only sustained the momentum David started, he also increased it. Here are the five things he did to increase momentum: 1. Understand the value of momentum 2. Identify the motivating factors in your organization 3. Remove the demotivating factors from your organization
While a good leader sustains momentum, a great leader increases it Solomon not only sustained the momentum David started, he also increased it. Here are the five things he did to increase momentum: 4. Schedule times for direction and celebration 5. Practice character leadership: do what is right no matter how you feel
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)Momentum does not sustain itself. It is the leader’s job to keep it going. Are you gaining or losing momentum? b)Good leaders sustain momentum; great leaders build it. What are you currently doing to build momentum?
Homework – Scriptures to Read Mark 9:1-13 Mark 9:1-13 John 21:1-19 John 21:1-19 Acts 1:1-26 Acts 1:1-26 Acts 2:1-47 Acts 2:1-47 Acts 6:1-7 Acts 6:1-7