2 -4 october 2006IHO MACHC seminar - Acapulco Integrated costal zones management Serge ALLAIN SHOM - France
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 2 Integrated costal zones management - ICZM Definition ICZM deals with The management and the substainable use of the coastal zones into consideration the economic and social development linked to the existence of the sea while safegarding, for the future and present generations, the biologic and ecologic fragile equilbrium of the coastal zone and the landscapes
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 3 ICZM This definition adds : The setting up of an ICZM requires the creation of institutional instruments and standards making possible the participation of the actors as well as the coordination of the objectives, of the policies ans of the activities and leads to deal with the problems in a global way which takes into account the interaction between all the components of the environment.
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 4 ICZM This supposes several levels of integration - Geospatial : Land and Sea core data in a seamless representation - Administrative: coordination between the actors - Sectorial : coordination of activities - Temporal : Short Time and Long Time, sustainable development
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 5 ICZM Recognized at the international level - Several international conventions (Barcelona 1995, Ramsar 20002,…) - IOC and GEO recommendations for multi-risks mitigation (meteoroly, tsunamis, pollution, coast line protection) - regional project for the implementation of multi-risk and tsunami warning systems in Indian ocean, Mediterranean sea and Carribean sea.
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 6 IZCM We can now consider ICZM through - the needs - the actors - the data
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 7 The needs 1 Littoral protection 2 Management of the littoral land use 3 Prevention and assessment of the risks 4 Exploitation of living resources 5 Exploitation of mineral resources 6 Port facilities development 7 Scientific works 8 Military needs 9 Miscelleanous
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 8 The needs 1Littoral protection Modification of the coastline (erosion, implementation of protection structures...) Swell impact Coastal domain protection (physical action of the sea, flooding, chemical, biological, radioactivity spills, aso.) Protection or management of living species of the littoral domain
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 9 The needs - 1 Littoral protection - 2Management of the littoral land use Consequences of a development (used waters rejections, modification of the coastal currents or of the sediment dynamics...) Development of touristic areas Beach facilities, marinas development projects, etc. Coastal regulations (environment, safety, historic patrimony protection, navigation, buoyage...) Determination of the coast line Determination of maritime public domain
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 10 The needs 1 Littoral protection 2 Management of the littoral land use 3 Prevention and assessment of the risks Identification of flooding areas Coastal infrastructures for the prevention of natural hazards Risk assessment (eg tsunami consequences) Nuclear plants protection
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 11 The needs 1 Littoral protection 2 Management of the littoral land use 3 Prevention and assessment of the risks 4Exploitation of living resources Aquaculture Conchyliculture Coastal fishing Alga exploitation and culture Assessment of possible resources: potentially favourable areas, simulations, implementation possibilities
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 12 The needs 1 Littoral protection 2 Management of the littoral land use 3 Prevention and assessment of the risks 4 Exploitation of living resources 5Exploitation of mineral resources Sampling of marine granulates or of sediments
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 13 The needs 1 Littoral protection 2 Management of the littoral land use 3 Prevention and assessment of the risks 4 Exploitation of living resources 5 Exploitation of mineral resources 6Port facilities development Development projects Impact simulations Bottom changes simulation (assessment of the volumes to be dredged) Knowledge of the nature and the structure of the subbottom
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 14 The needs 1 Littoral protection 2 Management of the littoral land use 3 Prevention and assessment of the risks 4 Exploitation of living resources 5 Exploitation of mineral resources 6 Port facilities development 7Scientific research and studies (generally part of other needs) Studies on sediments dynamics Studies on living resources changes Studies for understanding coastal processus Studies on littoral geography Submarine archeology
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 15 The needs 1 Littoral protection 2 Management of the littoral land use 3 Prevention and assessment of the risks 4 Exploitation of living resources 5 Exploitation of mineral resources 6 Port facilities development 7 Scientific research and studies 8Military needs Beaching : knowledge of the intertidal area and land use of the coastal area, aceesability, beaches gradient… Knowledge of very shallow waters: sedimentology, acoustics, bathymetry... (notably mine warfare)
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 16 The needs The actors
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 17 The actors We define now who will be the users of the littoral geographic and hydrographic data. This is not exhaustive, just a sample gained from SHOM ’s experience. 1Direct economic actors 2Indirect economic actors 3State Actors 4Intermediary actors
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 18 The actors 1Direct economic actors For conducting their economic activities, be they private or public, these actors need littoral geographic information; they are fishermen, conchylicultors, industry or craftmen, public works companies, surveyors, autonomous harbours, transport companies, services societies,...
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 19 The actors 1Direct economic actors 2Indirect economic actors These actors define or centralize the needs for professionnal groupings Associations or NGO: environment monitoring… Chambres of commerce or of industry National, regional or local committees of maritime fishery or aquaculture Specialized concertation structures: maritime conferences, nautical commissions
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 20 The actors 1Direct economic actors 2Indirect economic actors 3State Actors Prime minister and Ministers : Interior, Defense, Insdustry, Fishing, Research, Maritime authorities, Foreign Office, Budget, Transport and infrastructures, Ecology State : prefects, maritime prefects Territorial or local collectivities : regions, departments, … Public establishments and agencies Coastal natural parcs
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 21 The actors 1Direct economic actors 2Indirect economic actors 3State Actors 4Intermediary actors Coastal developers (landscapes, port protection infrastructure). Private study service agencies Hydrographic, dredging, water retreatement private companies,
2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 22 The needs The actors The data
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2 – 4 october 2006IHO – MACHC seminar – Acapulco 24
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