The gender equality marker in EU development cooperation GENDER POLICY MARKER ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012
Rationale: increase the number of G-1 and G-2 programmes / projects EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Development 2010-2015 : Indicator 4.4 « By 2013 at least 75% of all new proposals score G-2 (gender as principle objective) or G-1 (gender as significant objective) » LINKS to GAP… EN : FR : ES : PT : ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012 HOW TO APPLY THE G-MARKER
G-marker in aid cycle NPD / CSP/ NIP DSCRP G-marker on programme Country (or Sector) Gender profile GEWE objectives G-marker on programme Apply GESCi ROM : G-marker assessment G-marker in aid cycle : some Entry points for gender mainstreaming : as the G-marker is a DONOR POLICY INDICATOR, it is used when the donor agrees with the objectives of the programme (PIN, or sector programmes, budget support, projets) to check that the Gender equality is included in the objectives. More specifically, the G-marker is used : -In Identification (Apply GESCi + G-marker) -In Formulation (Apply GESCf + G-marker) -In Implementation (monitoring) :ROM-monitors assess the G-marker GESCi and GESCf : section1, chapter 6 of the EU Gender-Toolkit : G-marker on projects objectives and/or results expected Apply GESCf
Arrow 1 : The G-marker has to be applied in the Identification Phase of projects and programmes Arrow 2 :The G-marker is one of the policy markers of the OECD. In CRIS these policy markers have to be registered under the DAC Form tab. Arrow 3 : policy objectives markers : see next slide
DAC-OECD Policy Marker Policy markers developed by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of OECD The marker system facilitates monitoring and co-ordination of Members’ activities in support of DAC policy objectives for aid Other DAC markers: aid to environment, participatory development/good governance ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012 HOW TO APPLY THE G-MARKER
Correct use of the G-Marker Survey on a sample of AIDCO 2008 new projects in the CRIS database Global coverage ratio for EU sector-allocable activities 87% ; However, the % varies according to EU Delegation 35% well marked 41% badly marked 24% missing documents (logframe, Action Fiche, etc.) ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012 HOW TO APPLY THE G-MARKER
GENDER POLICY MARKER – G-Marker The G-Marker is used to track resource allocations of donors to promoting gender equality There are three G-Markers: G-0: when gender equality is not targeted G-1: when gender equality is a significant objective G-2: when gender equality is a principle or main objective ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012 HOW TO APPLY THE G-MARKER
How to apply the G-marker? Assess the main objective(s) of the project Is promotion of gender equality somewhere targeted in the project? YES NO Would this project have been initiated if gender equality was not mentioned in the objective(s)? G-0:Gender is not targeted G-2: Gender Equality is a main objective Use the diaporama; Refer to the Annex of the Guidance Note Is promotion of GE included in the project design (expected results) ? YES NO G-1: Gender Equality is a significant objective
Methodological issues- 1: programme with different components Applying the G-marker may be difficult for programmes with different components/sections. mark each component/section as a project total overview of scores for the different components/ sections enables to decide if gender equality is a principle or significant objective, or not targeted Example? Human rights programme, next slide Refer to the FAQs regarding this point ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012 HOW TO APPLY THE G-MARKER
Example: A Human Rights programme A Human Rights programme consisting of 3 components Component 1: Rehabilitation and equipment of Justice Infrastructures Component 2: Promotion of Women’s rights Component 3: Capacity building programme of Policemen Applying the G-marker to the 3 components: Component 1: Gender is not targeted = G-0. This component might however be relevant for gender issues Component 2: Gender is the principal objective = G-2 Component 3: Gender is not targeted = G-0. The programme can be marked G-1 if the Component 2 is a significant component in the programme. If Component 2 is a small or marginal component, the programme would be marked G-0. NB : Component 3 could become a G-1 if gender relevant issues would be included in the objectives, e.g. objectives of training police forces on how to address gender-based violence and in promoting equal opportunities of men and women within the police force, etc. Component 1: Gender is not targeted = G-0. This component might however be relevant for gender issues; e.g. male and female prisoners require different infrastructure Component 2: Gender is the principal objective = G-2 Component 3: Gender is not targeted = G-0. This component could become a G-1 if gender relevant issues would be included in the objectives, e.g. with the targets of training of police forces on how to address gender-based violence and of promoting equal opportunities of men and women within the police force, etc. SEE GUIDANCE NOTE
Methodological issues- 2: local calls for proposals How to do with local calls for proposals, which result in G-2, G-1 and G-0 projects? If no gender perspective in the design of the local call for proposals, CfP = G-0 (gender is not targeted by the donor), even when later on, the call results by chance in gender sensitive projects. The opposite case can also happen. CfP = G-1 as Gender is a significant objective in the call for proposals (the intention of the donor is G-1), but the results in terms of gender sensitive proposals may be poor. ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012 HOW TO APPLY THE G-MARKER
Some links … GESCi and GESCf : section1, chapter 6 of the EU Gender-Toolkit : OECD-DAC reporting directives : In the library of ROM gender course ( , free access), the Monitoring tool 5: how to apply the G-marker? Capacity4dev gender group : ‘EU Gender Advisory Services’ 2012 HOW TO APPLY THE G-MARKER 13