Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – José-Lorenzo Vallés Industrial Technologies DG Research European Commission Chemical industry and the future innovation partnerships
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Europe 2020 Strategy Successful exit from the crisis –sustain demand and stem the rise in unemployment Boost competitiveness –make EU industry lead in world markets –strengthen and modernise our industrial base Lay foundations for a sustainable future –sustainable growth of economies and societies –tackle climate change including energy efficiency
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth: - Innovation, Competitiveness, Green & Social aspects Among 7 flagship initiatives, Chemistry can play a strategic role in Innovation Union, Resource-efficient Europe and Industrial policy Innovation Partnerships will create new frameworks Focus on facing the Grand Challenges: - Recovery, Employment, Ageing, Environment, Energy … 3% for R&D and 20/20/20 climate targets should be met Support to PPPs as a tool to combine public and private funding Acting efficiently together as in the Recovery Plan EUROPE 2020 and Chemistry
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Research activities Adopted at the end of 2008 Includes smart investment in research To support innovation in the manufacturing, construction and automotive sectors, which have recently seen demand plummet as a result of the crisis and which also face significant challenges in the transition to the green economy… Three Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Objective: to promote the convergence of public interest with industrial commitment and leadership in determining strategic research activities EU Recovery Plan
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Industry wants to have a leading role in defining research priorities, and to be involved in programme implementation A multi-annual integrated Work Programme with pre-defined budget ensures continuity in the implementation of research strategies & allows industry to have long-term investment plans Activities going from basic and applied research through to large-scale demonstration. More emphasis on impact. Increased use of SME-friendly research instruments For industry: Why a PPP ? For industry: Why a PPP ? (compared to business as usual)
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Chemistry is in every aspect of our daily lives We need to continue developing chemistry and chemical products in order to keep improving our quality of life We need to move from oil based chemistry towards sustainable chemistry using renewable resources and energy efficient methods We need to achieve energy and emission reductions as well as safer chemicals and products Research and innovation in the Chemical sector can play a crucial role to help achieve the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy This sustainable chemistry transformation is only possible if the industrial actors work together Chemistry and Society
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Overall objective : To improve the competitiveness of EU industry and ensure its transformation via: The effective transition from a resource-based to knowledge-based industry Generation and integration of new breakthrough knowledge providing added-value Strengthening EU leadership in nano, materials and production technologies Emphasis on integrating different technologies and disciplines across many industrial sectors NMP can support the chemical sector through integration of nano, materials and new production FP7 Theme 4: NMP
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – NMP supports the value chain of the chemical industry: From Base Chemicals and Fuels over new Carbon Nanotubes, Nano-structured Catalysts or new Chemical Pathways, to Hybrid Materials for Membranes, Electronics and Lighting as well as Structural Materials for Manufacturing and Construction. We help develop many essential chemicals, materials and production technologies, to achieve the Europe 2020 goals NMP - Facilitating industrial transformation
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – More emphasis on integrating in the projects Standardisation and Pre-normative research as well as Demonstration activities Facilitation of access to IPR, especially for SMEs Better access to loans and venture capital Involvement in Public-Private-Partnerships where industry groups work together with the public side to address Grand Challenges Despite the crisis, industry needs to keep investing in R&D and innovation and the relevant ETPs need to collaborate closely (e.g. SusChem, Steel, Mining) NMP - Moving towards Innovation
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – NMP calls related to Chemistry in FP7 lNMP has published over 50 call topics related to chemistry with a total Commission funding above 800 M lNMP has published 12 call topics in CORE CHEMISTRY areas with a total Commission Funding of around 250 M lPresently running Flagship projects: F3 Factory, EuroBioRef, AFORE, Copiride, Synflow, Pills……
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Chemistry in the new FP Chemistry sector stakeholders are positioning themselves for the new FP, in line with the flagship initiative on the Innovation Union Potential to implement industry driven partnerships within the Key Enabling Technologies – e.g. Resource Efficiency SusChem sent a White Paper on Sustainable Production to the European Commission in March 2010 and a joint proposal for a Resource and Energy Efficiency Partnership with 12 platforms and associations of Energy intensive industries in September 2010 The European Commission is expecting all stakeholders to provide additional input about the future direction and implementation (a Green paper was published yesterday) Chemistry sector stakeholders are positioning themselves for the new FP, in line with the flagship initiative on the Innovation Union Potential to implement industry driven partnerships within the Key Enabling Technologies – e.g. Resource Efficiency SusChem sent a White Paper on Sustainable Production to the European Commission in March 2010 and a joint proposal for a Resource and Energy Efficiency Partnership with 12 platforms and associations of Energy intensive industries in September 2010 The European Commission is expecting all stakeholders to provide additional input about the future direction and implementation (a Green paper was published yesterday)
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Sustainable Chemistry – Better resource efficiency Decreasing raw material availability and increasing prices will require decoupling economic growth and resource consumption Ambitious political targets have been set for the raw material intensive industry, e.g. in Germany ( : - 50%) In the chemical industry raw materials have the largest share of manufacturing costs (32% of raw materials vs. 3% of energy)* *Source: Zukunft des Chemiestandorts Deutschland TCW München, Target: 50% reduction kg / TEUR Production raw material intensity (DE) Source: Stat. Bundesamt 2009 Energy Material Labour Auxiliaries Other Costs Margin Manufacturing costs distribution in the chemical industry*
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Resource efficiency in the whole production process InputOutputProcess Energy Solvents, Catalysts & Auxiliaries Water Raw Material Packaging CO 2 Gaseous Emissions Products Byproducts Waste Water Residues Landfill Waste Recycling
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Innovation Union flagship European Innovation Partnerships European Research Area framework Streamlined EU programmes Reform of standardisation system Public procurement of innovation Social innovation pilot Stronger monitoring
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Innovation Partnerships Key issues Major societal challenges require joint responses across policies and across the EU Addressing the numerous sub-critical, uncoordinated actions: between EU / Member States / Regions R&D / Market-side actions (public procurement, standards, regulation) European Innovation Partnerships are: Frameworks bringing together the main actors and actions - at EU and national levels - from research to market - around common objectives and targets
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Industrial Policy flagship An Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era Putting Competitiveness and sustainability at Centre Stage (COM(2010)614) Numerous references to resource efficiency e.g. 8.5 Addressing concerns of energy-intensive industries: The Commission will: In the context of the discussion on future research Public- Private Partnerships, consider an Energy-intensive Industries Low Carbon Implementation initiative, bringing together the relevant technology platforms with the EU and Member States, to ensure the appropriate R&D, financing and deployment strategies for low-carbon production;
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Involvement of the Chemical industry in potential Innovation Partnerships and PPPs Healthy Ageing Raw materials Water Smart Cities Sustainable Agriculture Healthy Ageing Raw materials Water Smart Cities Sustainable Agriculture The Chemical Industry should play a major role in the relevant actions related to the Europe 2020 strategy Possible PPP on Energy-intensive industries
Conference on the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry – Innovation Union website: Innovation Union Facebook page: Innovation unlimited blog: For technical contacts: Thank you for your attention Information and contacts