JUDAISM History & Cultural Practices
History Founded around 2000 B.C.E. Abraham (Ur) made an agreement with God He would protect him because they were “the chosen people” This became known as the Covenant
History Abraham’s descendants moved to Egypt (where they were enslaved) The Torah says that a man named Moses led them out of Egypt to safety Jews believe they wandered the desert for 40 years
History It is believed that as Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, he was handed down the Ten Commandments from God at Mt. Sinai
Historical Evidence suggests: The Jewish people organized themselves into 12 Tribes (named themselves after Jacob’s sons)
Spiritual Texts The Torah: first 5 books of the Christian Bible; Old Testament The Talmud: an interpretation of the Torah; these are more specific, practical instructions as to how one can live “a Jewish life”
Important People Abraham-father Jacob- 12 sons Moses- Lead out of Egypt/10 Commandments Saul- First King of Jews David- 2 nd King/ Built Jerusalem Solomon- 3 rd King/ Built Temple
Important Terms Bar/Bat Mitzvah: rite of passage at the age of 13; recognition of becoming a Jewish adult Shabbat: Friday (sundown) to Saturday (sundown) Synagogue/Temple: Jewish place of worship Torah: Scrolls kept in an arc Zionists: Those who believe Israel is the homeland of the Jews
Important Holidays PASSOVER: Moses asked Pharoah to leave Egypt, he refused, God said he would put 10 plagues on the Egyptians Jews were to smear blood on their doors so the plagues would pass over the Jews
Important Holidays ROSH HASHANAH: The Jewish New Year; it is a 2-day period, the period begins when you atone for your sins for 10 days; you are supposed to ask forgiveness for the previous year’s sins
Important Holidays YOM KIPPUR: “Day of Atonement”; God writes in the “Book of Life”; your fate is sealed for the upcoming year