1 Introducing Multi-Level Government in the EUs Better Regulation Agenda Werner Stengg European Commission; DG Internal Market and Services; Impact Assessment,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Multi-Level Government in the EUs Better Regulation Agenda Werner Stengg European Commission; DG Internal Market and Services; Impact Assessment, Evaluation and Economic Analysis Committee of the Regions Brussels, 19 January 2010

2 Content Better Regulation – then and today Better Regulation – purpose The Smart Regulation agenda – Barroso II When and why Multi-Level Governance has to be integrated in our BR policy … and why this is not easy! Conclusions

3 Regulation – 10 years back… Current BR tools hardly known nor used. Evidence-based policy making? Impacts? Integrated impact assessment? Ad-hoc stakeholder consultation Transparency of policy preparation?

4 Why has this changed? Growth – and growing heterogeneity – of European Union EU integration; single market; liberalisation Globalisation Sustainable Development Agenda

5 We need to make our case! WHY do we need to act? Why do WE need to act? HOW should we act? To answer these questions, we need the help and involvement of local and regional stakeholders!!

6 What is the purpose of Better Regulation? To find optimal public policy responses to well-identified and understood needs and problems. Success criteria: Proportionality Subsidiarity Effectiveness Efficiency

7 Barroso II and smart regulation Simplify legislation on books Cut red tape (incl. administrative burden) Ensure high quality impact assessments Carry out systematic ex-post evaluation Respect principle of subsidiarity.

8 When and why Multi-Level Governance needs to be involved In policy preparation – to understand problems! In policy decision-making – to enhance democratic legitimacy (and ownership) In policy implementation – to facilitate adaptation to local realities In ex-post evaluation – to understand how local contexts affect success or failure In the whole cycle – to fully grasp regulatory and socio-economic context

9 The 2009 IA Guidelines Problems and impacts of policy options may differ across regions Consider that impacts may be spread unevenly Mention outlier impacts (= disproportionately affected regions) If significant, analyse mitigation or transitional measures If additional information is needed: –Organise targeted consultations –Ask the Committee of the Region for assistance !!!

10 Practical constraints Existence of reliable disaggregated data Time and cost needed to collect and assemble data Analysis, interpretation and presentation of highly complex set of data Consider costs and benefits of data gathering Incentive for local actors to contribute? Capacity building – for partnership

11 Instead of a conclusion The CITIZEN does not care about the regulatory origin of rules governing his/her life: Dont assess policies and policy needs from a sectoral regulatory point of view! Find out what the CITIZEN needs and wants – go local…