Open Society Institutes initiative Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma European cohesion policy and Roma inclusion Adam Kullmann.


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Presentation transcript:

Open Society Institutes initiative Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma European cohesion policy and Roma inclusion Adam Kullmann

Brief description Aim: channel EU funds to Roma inclusion Prepared in 2008, launched in 2009 Covering CZ, SK, HU, RO, BG – To be extended to SEE Tool: technical and financial assistance – Project generation facility – Mentoring – Financing supplementary costs Budget: 3,5 meur / year First results: – 200 projects generated so far, worth 50 meur – Practical experience with different models

Experiences 1: Promising initiatives Grant for development of schools and urban areas conditional to local equality strategy in HU Geographical targeting in least developed microregions programme in HU, and comprehensive approach in SK – Explicit targeting needed in case of geographical targeting too – Time is a key factor Combating child poverty in HU Representation of Roma interests in MCs in BG – Technocrats with experience in planning, not politicans Involvement of Roma civil servants in HU – Technical assistance needed from OSI Pilot programme with complex projects financed by OSI Emergency Fund in HU – Demonstrates that more flexible rules lead to better results

Experiences 2: Bottlenecks & Opportunities BottlenecksOpportunities High entry costsSimplification of national rules (e.g. if the project manager needs to be a full time graduate person, peripheral areas have no access) Global grant Technical assistance Longer time for preparation Unmanagable financial conditionsAdvance payment Flat rate, lump sum, etc. Lack of flexibilitySimplification of national rules Longer time for implementation Shifting from control to monitoring Lack of complexityCross-financing Taking advantage of amendment of ERDF regulation on housing Conflicts between Roma communities and local governments External actors for community development Grant conditional to local equality strategy

Experiences 3: Further opportunities Simplified project selection (global grant) and payment (flat rate, lump sum, etc.) mechanisms shall be strengthened Cross-financing between ERDF and ESF shall be eased for integrated projects Rural development fund shall target social and Roma inclusion as well Equality policy units shall be set up in national administrations Etc.

Experiences 4: Political commitment Political commitment shall be generated at EU level since short term interests tend to be more important at national and even more at local level – High level forums shall be continued – Written plans shall be requested from MSs – EU funds for MSs shall be conditional Amount and approach of EU funds allocated on Roma inclusion shall decrease inequalities (see also the Joint Statement by the Trio Presidency, 9 April) National legislation shall support Roma inclusion (see also Communication from the Commission, 7 April) – A good European Roma Strategy shall be elaborated

Afterword Identify positive sum games rather than good practices

Thank you for your attention Further information: Website – Petra Kovacs –