CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October 2008 -Slide 1 EU procurement of ITER RH packages Carlo Damiani on behalf of the RH Group F4E Barcelona.


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Presentation transcript:

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 1 EU procurement of ITER RH packages Carlo Damiani on behalf of the RH Group F4E Barcelona – Machine System Division

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 2 Outline - Remote Handling Procurement Packages (PP) - Overview of the various PP - CODAC related aspects and issues

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 3 Outline - Outline - Remote Handling Procurement Packages (PP) - Overview of the various PP - CODAC related aspects and issues

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 4 Introduction 1 - ITER Procurement RH Procurement Packages 23P1 Blanket remote handling equipment 23P2 In-vessel divertor maintenance equipment (2) 23P3 Transfer cask system (3) 23P4 In-vessel viewing system (4) 23P5 Neutral beam RH equipment (3) 23P6 Hot Cell repair / maintenance equipment 2001 costs (1) (kIUA/M) / / / / Supplier JA EU EU (1) /CN EU Cash (1) 50% EU Status: (2)design + full scale tests (just started – DTP2) (3)Conceptual design (4)Proof-of-principle lab test

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 5 Outline - Outline - Remote Handling Procurement Packages (PP) - Overview of the various PP - CODAC related aspects and issues

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 6 PP overview 23P2 - In-vessel divertor RH equipment Present scope (details to be confirmed): - 1 Cassette Multi-functional Mover (CMM, consisting of CMM tractor, end effectors and umbilical) + 1 spare - 1 right-hand-side cassette toroidal mover (CTM) and umbilical + 1 spare - 1 left-hand-side cassette toroidal movers (CTM) and umbilical + 1 spare - 1 set of tools for cassette cooling pipes + 1 spare - 1 set of tools for cassette locking system + 1 spare - 2 Manipulator arms (MAM) + 1 spare - other tooling, dust cleaner, rescue devices? Next steps (see also planning section later): - design, interface finalisation and pre-series prototyping and testing - production preparation - production and delivery to site Status: - Design of DIV-RH and interfaces (e.g. CTM MAM and umbilical) on going - CMM prototype for tests in Divertor Test Platform 2 recently installed in DTP2

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 7 PP Overview 23P3 – Transfer Cask System (50% EU) Present scope (under revision right now by IO in liaison with the DAs, EU-CN sharing to be finalised): - 21 cask units (including rescue units) each composed of cask and in-cask equipment, pallet and Air Transfer System - Spares (30% of supply – spare parts) Next steps (see also planning section later): - finalise review, discussion and agreement on scope/sharing - design, interface finalisation and pre-series prototyping and testing - production and delivery to site Divertor cask Upper plug cask Status: - Design of ATS, casks and interfaces on going, preparation of prototyping and testing - PP scope and sharing being reviewed - Rescue devices investigated

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 8 Transfer cask studies have focused on trajectories studies and control system requirements; recently rescue studies on a failed cask have been completed Transfer cask trajectories (with 500 mm safety margin around) PP Overview 23P3 – Transfer Cask System - more From the picture below it can be seen that the DIV RH and TCS have to work in a coordinated way, by means of the two controllers and their supervisor

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 9 PP Overview 23P4 – In vessel viewing system Present scope (to be confirmed) : - 6 IVVS systems ( * ) each consisting of probe, deployer and housing (shared with Glow Discharge Cleaning System) - Spares TBD (spare parts and/or 1 spare system) ( * ) only 3 were foreseen in the ITER Project Integration Document at start of operation Next steps (see also planning section later): - agreement on scope and requirements; design, interface finalisation and pre-production prototyping and testing - production preparation - production and delivery to site IVVS plan view (above) and section view (on the right) In-vessel viewing probe mock-up Status: - Lab tests on proof-of-principle probe mock-up - Requirements, interfaces (in particular space sharing with GDC) and PP content/sharing being reviewed

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 10 PP Overview 23P5 – NBI Remote Handling Present scope (to be finalised) : - monorail crane serving the NB cell, equipped with specific lifting interfaces with the NB components (and compatible with DIA plugs) - source/accelerator transport cradle - MAM and tooling (including pipe tooling) - ground-based vehicle? - rescue devices? - TBD spares Next steps (see also planning section later): - scope finalisation; design, interface finalisation (limited pre-production prototyping and testing TBD) - production preparation - production and delivery to site NB cell with monorail crane Crane and neutraliser NB rear maintenance Status: - Conceptual design done - Work on interfaces and integration to be continued - PP being reviewed

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 11 PP Overview - General Each RH system (EU is in charge of 3 and ½ of them) is a different combination of various devices (moving machinery, crane, manipulator arms, tooling, umbilical, control system) that have to work in a coordinated way by means of its own control system To control each of these RH systems, in the RH control room the HMI (the work-cell) will be typically a combination of master arms, GUI with monitors showing the status of the devices (status, speed, position, pressure, safety margins, interlocks, etc.), the visual information (from on- board or fixed cameras) and from Virtual Reality (probably 3-D), and the operational instructions (sequence of elementary tasks to be performed for a given RH mission) We (F4E) have to understand/agree the way the overall RH control system is linked with the rest of CODAC (e.g. lift, ports, corridors, etc.)

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 12 Outline - Outline - Remote Handling Procurement Packages (PP) - Overview of the various PP - CODAC related aspects and issues

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 13 CODAC related aspects and issues - 1 For the RH PP, IO will only issue FS (plus partial reference designs), supported by R&D where needed (see footnote, taken from former ITER Project Integration Document PID) These FS must be complemented by the definition of a set of interface requirements: the geometrical interfaces of the components to be handled, VV ports and ducts, hot cell, building, the interfaces with the ITER CODAC, etc. (the interface takes the level of to-be-handled component, e.g. DD for the divertor) The level of integration and consistency of the current ITER design is not yet at a stage that would allow proceeding with in-kind supplies of the EU RH PP (through the Procurement Arrangements) Because of this, a significant effort in terms of design, finalisation of the interfaces, prototyping and testing is still required… - All RH equipment for Class 1 and 2 operations must be designed in detail prior to ITER construction. - The feasibility of Class 1 tasks shall be verified prior to ITER construction and may involve the use of mock-ups. - The feasibility of Class 2 tasks shall be verified prior to ITER construction where deemed practical and necessary and may involve the use of mock-ups. - The procedure of maintenance of Class 3 components shall be defined prior to ITER construction.

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 14 prototypes are designed, built and tested verify both the RH strategy andcritical interfaces … therefore our approach is to move to the final production of the PP after prototypes are designed, built and tested, in order to identify, finalise and experimentally verify both the RH strategy and those critical interfaces which represent the essential features of the design and of components maintainability review and agreement with IO of the PP scope another important ingredient of our RH strategy is the review and agreement with IO of the PP scope and responsibilities, because the content of the 2001 PP must be updated and completed, including CODAC interfaces standardization of the design of RH devices the EU RH PP consists of a variety of movers, transport casks, crane, manipulator arms, tooling, covering several functions; therefore we should move towards standardization of the design of RH devices from different PP but with similar functions: this should be driven by IO and should include the control systems RH PP will be used for components first installation (most of) the RH PP will be used for components first installation use of RH facilities for IO team training a new (proposed ) element of the strategy is the use of RH facilities for IO team training radiation resistance of the RH components a key issue is the radiation resistance of the RH components (but with dose rates spanning over four orders of magnitude!); this requires a systematic approach and a specific strategy to be elaborated CODAC related aspects and issues - 2

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 15 An example of RH test facility: the Divertor Test Platform 2 (DTP2) January 2008May 2008

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 16 The RH procurement packages are not huge in financial terms (e.g. compared with items like the magnets) but require a lot of design and technical integration (with RAMI!), therefore we will probably have to charge the industrial suppliers with a role of architect Prototyping and testing of the various RH PP in specific facilities are essential in order to (1) validate the maintenance scheme and the interfaces, (2) develop the procedures to be used straight out during 1 st assembly, (3) possibly train IO team for 1 st assembly Technological items like force feedback manipulators, but not only, require a HMI already well developed since the beginning There are time constraints for the development of the RH control system work-cells in the RH control room Based on the points before, it is unlikely that the various RH systems will be procured naked, i.e. with very limited supervisory system capabilities (e.g. only control cubicle and touch screen and/or hand-held panels) We could end up instead in having each PP delivered with its own work-cell implemented by the industrial supplier/integrator. This is exactly what is being discussed with IO RH team at the moment This proposed approach puts issues in front of us; in particular related to CODAC are: - limit of the supply, standardisation, FAT/SAT - integration of the RH systems in the overall RH control system and in in CODAC - new developments, improvements, change of obsolete components CODAC related aspects and issues - 3

CODAC meeting - EU contribution to ITER RH – October Slide 17 A complicated path in front of us …