Weekly Presentation 1 August 31-September 4
Homework: READ syllabus…take Americans home until June 2016 Monday, August 31, 2015 I.Introductions & Expectations Autobiographical Card What is TRUTH? II II. Social Studies: U.S. History II Syllabus The Americans CHOOSE seats! Be respectful of peers!
Why are we here TODAY? 1) Meet Mr. Robinson & classmates (discuss expectations) 2)Construct a personalized 3x5 index card 3)Explore U.S. History II (syllabus & textbook)
FRONT -Who are you? -Where are you from? -Earliest experiential MEMORIES in American History? BACK -What was important from 7th grade (world history)? 8th grade?(U.S. History I) -What is TRUTH? -What does the word “PERSPECTIVE” have to do with Social Studies?
WELCOME to Grade 9 Social StudiesMr. Robinson (Rm. 332) -Are you sitting where you THINK you would like to LEARN...move? 3 x 5 index card = primary source about you! interview & live performance NEATLY print your FIRST & LAST name…nickname? -Date of birth (month/day/year) & location (city, state, (country?) …noteworthy places you’ve visited or lived? - Describe yourself in 5 words or phrases, plus symbolic image(s). -LIST & describe your earliest (living) MEMORIES related to American History...?
Homework: review syllabus… Americans home until June 2016! Tuesday, September 1, 2015 II I. Social Studies: U.S. History II Syllabus synopsis (Q & A) The Americans (assigned) II. SOCIAL Studies work begins Autobiographical Card Opinion Continuum Activity (What is TRUTH?) Have WE, as a class, chosen SEATS wisely? What QUESTION and/or REACTION do you have about SS class so far?
Why are we here TODAY? 1)Explore U.S. History II (syllabus & textbook) 2)Complete (review) personalized 3x5 index card 3)Participate in an opinion continuum activity 4)Write a QUESTION or REACTION to SS class
Questions and/or Reactions? ASK “anything” and REACT to “something” by using the post-it notes today! SUBMIT 3x5 index card ASAP!
The Americans Using INK… PRINT first and last name ( ) notice #...WAIT for my SIGNATURE! Take it home and return it in JUNE! You are receiving your “keep-at-home” textbook… SYLLABUS READ it ALL
Who are you? FRONT: Name? D.O.B.? Where R U from? What words and images = YOU? Earliest memory from Amer. History? BACK What are the most important lessons/things you remember about 7 th grade SS? 8 th grade? What is TRUTH?(Define it) What does “PERSPECTIVE” have to do with Social Studies class?
Perhaps it’s time to start THINKING about PERSPECTIVE ?
Questions and/or Reactions? ASK “anything” and REACT to “something” by using the post-it notes today! SUBMIT 3x5 index card ASAP!
Homework: Schoolwires History Alive! on-line American ideals worksheet due Tues., 9/8 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 I. SOCIAL Studies “work” continues Opinion Continuum Autobiographical Card ”Hot Seat?” II. American Ideals WORK begins (Ch. 2 worksheet recap) Let’s keep the “interesting energy” going? QUESTIONS and/or REACTIONS about class so far? (BRIEF personal tales)
Why are we here TODAY? 1) LEARN about peers & teacher (relationship & class-building activities) 2)Begin Ch.2 American Ideals: Equality, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, & Democracy
From Marcus Aurelius: Meditation #21: “If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one’s own self-deception and ignorance.” Lisa Alther--U.S. novelist, Kinflicks (1976) on contradiction: “I happen to feel that the degree of a person’s intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting attitudes she can bring to bear on the same topic.”
I lived during their presidencies, but do NOT remember much of anything about them or what was going on in the world…
A few historical events from my earliest years… Vietnam War? Watergate? Gas Shortages? Three Mile Island ?
A few historical events I remember… attempted assassinations: Reagan? The Pope? 1981 MTV…1981 Ethiopia (famine)…We Are the World 1985 Challenger Explosion…January 28, 1986 Iran-Contra Affair…
A few events from my high school years… Star Wars (late Cold War)…late 1980s Fall of the Berlin Wall…1989 Soviet Union (collapse)…1991
What will the next “chapter” of American history be like? How does the past influence our present? Does it “control” the future? Will America remain a super power? Are we Rome?
Homework: American ideals worksheet due Tues., 9/8 (end of class) Thursday- Friday, September 3-4, 2015 SOCIAL Studies “work” continues Autobiographical Card “Hot Seat?” What is the difference between an “EU vs. EQ?”
Why are we here TODAY? 1) LEARN about peers & teacher (relationship & class-building activities) 2)Continue Ch.2 American Ideals: Equality, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, & Democracy
Social Studies “NOT-so-Hot Seat” 1. Semi-random pairs SOCIALIZE & STUDY within your assigned group: a. READ partner’s card…LEARN “facts”…prepare 3 questions: 1 personal/random2 based on earliest American History MEMORY b. INTERVIEW your partner, then INTRODUCE to small group c. REVIEW & discuss assigned OUs and EQs (Current events, time permitting?) Overarching Understandings = big IDEAS & THEMES Essential Questions = thoughtful, open-ended, opinion-based ?s 2. Groups will be called to the center to ANSWER QUESTIONS based on autobiographical index cards, K-12 OUs & EQs, current events, random stuff. 3. Answer “enough” questions correctly and you PASS…if below PROFICIENCY, you must answer “alternative” question (s) and/or do an amazing and impressive feat!
K – 12 Social Studies Overarching Understandings Students will understand that: Nature of Social Studies Studying social studies can be interesting, relevant and enjoyable. Social studies can help individuals participate more effectively in the world. Individuals can make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good. Sources need to be interpreted and evaluated in order to be used well. Economics and Technology Unlimited wants and limited resources often influence the decisions of individuals and institutions. Economics and geography influence patterns of human settlement and development. Technology changes how people interact with the environment and one another. Geography, Culture and Interdependence Where people live affects how they live. People are shaped by diverse cultures but have a shared humanity. Developments around the world have an effect on people in the United States and vice versa. People and nations have values and interests that can result in conflict or cooperation. Government and Citizenship The actions of institutions are influenced by their purpose, structure and function. Groups and nations attempt to establish order and security based on systems that develop over time. Individuals can participate actively to influence groups and institutions. Individuals have important rights and responsibilities as citizens in a democracy. History Historical thinking involves habits of mind that allow individuals to understand the past and its relationship to the present. Knowledge of the past informs the present and can prepare people for the future. Significant historical events involve a complex set of interrelated causes and effects. Individuals can influence history but are more often influenced by history.
K – 12 Social Studies Essential Questions Nature of Social Studies Why study social studies? How do we know what happened? Whom do we believe and why? What should we do when sources disagree? Economics and Technology How do people deal with scarcity? When is the free market best? How has technology transformed civilizations and the human experience? How do we evaluate whether new technology is better than that which it replaces? Geography, Culture and Interdependence How does where people live influence how they live? What are the effects of the changing relationship between human beings and the environment? What determines an individual’s opportunity in society? What happens when diverse cultures interact? How do other cultures affect the individual? What should America’s role in the world be?
K – 12 Social Studies Essential Questions Government and Citizenship Whose decisions matter? What is effective leadership? How can abuse of power be avoided? How can individuals improve society and institutions? How do ideals and values influence decisions? What are the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democracy? History How does the time period in which people live influence how they live? How are individuals connected to the past? What causes change? How do we know when change is for the better? What do we learn from analyzing major historical events? How have historical events shaped the modern world? What impact does an individual have on history?
Why are we here? What is the value in studying American History? Your thoughts/hopes for what 9 th grade SS should be like and WHY?
Why are we here? What is the value in studying American History? Your thoughts/hopes for what 9 th grade SS should be like and WHY?
Why are we here? “enter to learn” What is the value in studying American History? (my 20 th year as a teacher) 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: prevents you from making the same mistakes; repeat What people have done right Your thoughts/hopes for what 9 th grade SS should be like and WHY? 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: focused; want to learn; have fun too; work well together; everyone participates
Why are we here? “enter to learn” What is the value in studying American History? From 2013 (year 3 of 9 th grade for me) 1: learn from our mistakes; learn about the land we live in; 3: accomplishments & mistakes help us do better; 4: improve our knowledge of how our gov’t works 5: understand how the world came to be; see how we work with others; make good “guesses” about where we are going 6: become politicians; discover our “roots” Your thoughts/hopes for what 9 th grade SS should be like and WHY? ?? 1: to go more in depth with familiar events & learn new things 3: to be more “difficult” challenging! 4: safe place; have discussions, NOT just a “normal” SS class…FUN? 5: interesting, to be “fun,” “different,” experiment with new knowledge; global “tensions” & current events 6: discussions; interactive smartboard; debates? (arguments)
What do most Americans value? What are the five American Ideals?
Defining, Illustrating, & Examining Core American Ideals EqualityRightsLiberty OpportunityDemocracy 1)Define it in your own words 2) Examine newspapers, on-line sources, or other media in search of your assigned ideal. Article should be printed (from on-line sources) or cut from your newspapers. TV & radio broadcasts should be described on paper (date, time, topic). 3) Your group will WORK in the computer lab 341 You will be using History Alive! (Ch. 2); examine syllabus for web address and SchoolWires site for log in instructions