Anna Panagopoulou TEN-T Executive Agency Head of Unit, T4 The role of the TEN-T Executive Agency in delivering EU-funding to transport infrastructures Anna Panagopoulou TEN-T Executive Agency Head of Unit, T4 Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy Seminar, The impact and leverage effect on territorial cohesion on the CEF Valencia, 24 October 2012
TEN-T EA’s added value Centralised management of TEN-T funds since 2006 to better focus on implementing large-scale, challenging infrastructure projects (currently 330 ongoing projects in total, €8bn, 100 staff) Open access to TEN-T funds for all stakeholders (national/regional/local) through calls for proposals and a transparent and fair selection and evaluation process Specialised staff – experts in project and financial management - monitoring the projects and overall Programme and reporting on its implementation Expert contribution to the development of innovative financing methods and mobilisation of EU financial instruments to pull together EU/national/private funding Transparent and efficient budget execution: reducing the time taken to pay or react to all beneficiaries’ requests
Indicative allocation by type of contribution 2007-2013 calls for proposals for allocation of grants co-funding up to 50%
Delivering TEN-T grants
Calls for proposals: Role of TEN-T EA in pre-submission period Availability for tailor-made workshops on evaluation procedures and project management in TEN-T EA upon request Detailed call related texts Info Day in Brussels, 29 November 2012 Availability for national Info Days upon request Help Desk Frequently Asked Questions
Role of TEN-T EA in project implementation period - Approach Beneficiaries have one contact person per project Tailored made expertise provided for better project management Open and continuous dialogue with beneficiaries Proactive approach for an early identification of problems and possible solutions Technical and administrative advice Streamlined procedures and clear reporting guidance Close contacts with DG MOVE (and other EU bodies)
Challenge of TEN-T Finance and the TEN-T programme response The challenge – to improve/complete the existing transport infrastructure network to support the single market with limited public sector funds Optimisation of public and private sector funding through coordination of EU resources: Design and co-funding of innovative financial instruments with EIB Provision of co-funding for innovative financial instruments such as the pilot phase EU Project Bond Initiative (up to 200 million Euros) managed by EIB Support for PPP project preparation Provision of grant funding for project preparation targeting PPP screening and PPP tender preparation Facilitate discussions of project promoters with EIB Expected outcome: development of an EU PPP project pipeline
Local authorities in TEN-T programme Local authorities eligible applicants, but Not very familiar with TEN-T programme and its rules A few success stories exist Room for improvement
Project examples with participation of local/regional authorities (1) 2007-ES-03050-P : High Speed Railway Line Paris-Madrid: New Railway Network Guipúzcoano Beneficiary:Gobierno Vasco 2011-EU-21007-S: COSTA Use of LNG for ships in Mediterranean 2011-EU-92151-S: Green technologies and eco-efficient alternatives for cranes & operations at port container terminals (GREENCRANES) Beneficiary: Fundacion Valenciaport
Project examples with participation of local/regional authorities (2) 2007-LV-91801-S (Part of Via Baltica): Integration of Riga City and Riga Port into the TEN-T network: Completion of studies for Riga Northern Transport Corridor 2009-LV-00038-E: Integration of Riga City and Riga Port into the TEN-T network: Construction of Viestura-Meža interchange
Project examples promoting local/regional authorities participation 2010-NL-93302-S: Implementation Study to prepare a Public Private Partnership to improve maritime access to the TEN-T network at Amsterdam A candidate project for pilot project bond
Useful links and contacts TEN-T EA website: Calls for Proposals: Central TEN-T EA Contact Point: