More from Sara Lee Metro Carlsberg Sainsbury Lavaza BDF
Marketplace Estimated now : 2300 sq m vs 2500 Glasgow Budget implication neutralised by sponsorings Big losses : Oracle, IBM, Probox Gains : Colgate, Dunnhumby,10 other Still tbc : Danone, L’Oreal, Europanel, Reed Elsevier for Spanisch Village…..
Sponsoring SAP and Deloitte : main sponsoring Coffee Breaks : Kraft San Jordi : tbc COPCA Shuttles : I2 Writing Pads : Chep 5 small sponsorships ( € ) still open Expected income > €
Budget Registrations : plan : 1800 full fee variable and free = 2450 today: prudent forecast: optimistic : Marketplace and sponsoring compensate ; expected bottom line ( prudent ) publications : € ac. journal € profit € ( target ) total €
Some changes Working lunches wendesday : no special tables ; we are all in the marketplace and mix with the delegates Shuttles : –Thursday evening : to Plaza Espagna –After conference : to airport
Brussels May 2004 Site visit in December with positive advise The advisory group could not come to an unanimous conclusion Locations for 4000 people are limited (Berlin, Vienna, Münich, Prague, Paris )but can be build anywhere If we do not decide now,Brussels is ‘ lost ‘ ECR Belgium very concerned