Objectives of the ACE TRIM Joe Casas, ACE Technical and Project Manager 1
TRIM Objectives Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Arctic Research Plan TRIM Purpose Conduct of the TRIM Agenda 2
The FY Arctic Research Plan (1 of 2) Represents call to action for 13 Federal agencies, departments, and offices To help address some of these Arctic challenges and opportunities, the U.S. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Plan provides a blueprint for effective Federal coordination of Arctic research for the next half-decade to help maintain a U.S. focus on Arctic stewardship for many years to come Because the Arctic is geographically remote and environmentally harsh, advancing regional knowledge and understanding requires specialized research platforms, instruments and cyberinfrastructure National policy for Arctic research consists of seven overlapping research areas: – 1. Sea ice and marine ecosystems – 2. Terrestrial ice and ecosystems – 3. Atmospheric studies of surface heat, energy, and mass balances – 4. Observing systems – 5. Regional climate models – 6. Adaptation tools for sustaining communities – 7. Human health Each of the appropriate Federal organizations must identify and commit with existing activities or create new activities to contribute directly to accomplishing specific aspects of the Arctic Research Plan for the research areas and infrastructure 3
The FY Arctic Research Plan (2 of 2) Chapter 3.0 Research Areas – 3.1 Understand sea-ice processes, ecosystem processes, ecosystem services, and climate feedbacks in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas and the contiguous Arctic Ocean – 3.2 Understand terrestrial ice processes, ecosystem processes, ecosystem services,and climate feedbacks in the Arctic – 3.3 Understand atmospheric surface heat, energy, and mass balances – 3.4 Integrate and continue to deploy a national Arctic observing system and promote international cooperation to create a circumpolar observing system 3.5 Integrate Arctic regional models – 3.6 Assess strengths and vulnerabilities of Arctic communities to impacts of climate change and develop adaptation strategies and tools to maximize sustainability, well-being, and cultural and linguistic heritage – 3.7 Understand factors that affect human health in the Arctic, including infectiousand non-communicable diseases, environmental contamination, climate change, and behavioral and mental health disorders Chapter 4.0 Research Infrastructure – Table 1 summarizes major infrastructure, including space- and ocean-based assets, aircraft (piloted and unpiloted), and field stations – Table 2 summarizes significant but smaller research tools, with a focus on airborne and ocean-based infrastructure – Table 3 summarizes key assets of cyberinfrastructure that are important for research and education in the Arctic The Arctic Collaborative Environment (ACE) tool was identified in this Arctic Research Plan as potentially offering a research virtual network cyberinfrastructure capability – for use in facilitating online communication, collaboration and scientific discovery among researchers with an emphasis on Web-based visualization, analysis and interpretation of diverse datasets and information 4
TRIM Purpose Provide interactive training on ACE Explore potential use of ACE in field research, modeling, and educational activities Identify operational and technical issues for future resolution Identify new capabilities for future extension 5
Conduct of the TRIM Consists of five sessions: – Introduction and Training – Example Research Scenarios – Educational Applications – Introduction to NOAA ERMA® – Discussion of improvements and partnerships All sessions are fully interactive – If you have a question, ask it, don’t wait for the end – If you are having computer problems, let us know right away and we will assist – If you have a suggestion, please share it 6
Agenda Monday, 9 September :30am:Admin Remarks 8:45am:Welcome 9:00am:Objectives 9:10am:Operational Overview 9:45am:Technical Overview 11:00am:ACE Training 12:00pm:Lunch 1:00pm:Research Scenarios 3:40pm:Educational Uses 5:40pm:Adjourn Tuesday, 10 September :30am:Arctic ERMA 9:15am:Recap of ACE 10:30am:Pathways Forward 11:45am:Lunch 1:00pm:Collaborative Opportunities 2:00pm:Recommendations and Actions 3:00pm:Adjourn 7 All times are AKDT