Rich Naden/Chuck Maxwell Southwest Area Predictive Services
Key Drivers to 2011 Winter Weather / Climate Negative AO (Arctic Oscillation) Strong La Nina! Negative NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) Low Solar Activity Negative PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) OK….so what does this climate index alphabet soup mean for the Southwest Area Climate expectations and Fire Season 2011 ????
Weekly Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Past 20 Weeks Blue – Below Average Sea Surface Temperatures Yellow/Orange – Above Average Sea Surface Temperatures
La Niña General Impacts JFM Precip & Temp Anomalies for Mod.-Strong La Niña
However…this has been an atypical La Nina winter weather pattern so far….but WHY?!?! January February - AO and Low Solar Output appear to be presently dominating the pattern
So how has this affected High Temperatures?? Past 30 Days Past 14 Days Past 7 Days2011 so far…
Precipitation?? Past 30 Days Past 14 Days Past 7 Days 2011 so far…
Drought Situation?? Past 9 months Past 6 months Past 3 months Past month
Drought Situation??
SNOTEL - River Basin Snow Water Content
Fuels Considerations Lots of fine herbaceous fuels, limited compaction Usual strain of dry/drought conditions on live and dead fuel moisture dynamics July 15 th 2010 September 14 th 2010
Upcoming Weather Pattern/Climate Anomalies Forecast – rest of JAN Warmer than normal western ½ to 1/3 of Arizona Cooler than normal southeastern 1/3 of New Mexico Drier than normal northwestern ½ of Arizona Best chance of moisture across the eastern ½ of New Mexico into west Texas TemperaturesPrecipitation
Upcoming Weather Pattern/Climate Anomalies Forecast – FEB Likely to start FebruaryMost of the remainder of February
Upcoming Weather Pattern/Climate Anomalies Forecast – MAR Strong La Nina 500MB Height Anomalies
Upcoming Weather Pattern/Climate Anomalies Forecast – MAR < TEMP < PRECIP
Strong La Nina 500MB Height AnomaliesModerate La Nina 500MB Height Anomalies Upcoming Weather Pattern/Climate Anomalies Forecast – APR-MAY
Strong La Nina Surface Temp. Anomalies Moderate La Nina Surface Temp. Anomalies Strong La Nina Surface Precip. Anomalies Moderate La Nina Surface Precip. Anomalies
Upcoming Weather Pattern/Climate Anomalies Forecast – JUL-SEP Decent Monsoonal Moisture More than Likely!!?? Strong and Moderate La Nina’s Moderate La Nina’s
Despite an overall drier weather pattern region-wide expect the focus to remain across the southeastern ½ of New Mexico into west Texas Coolish pattern across the Intermountain West could develop and remain in charge by March/April-May across the northwestern ½ or so of AZ likely leading to a slow start to Fire Season 2011 for western sections Areas further south/east likely warmer and will eventually be the recipients of more frequent wind combined with the milder temperatures Higher elevations have had some decent snowfall over the past month or so providing some compaction of fuels Potential remains elevated for an active late winter>early summer fire season…especially southern & eastern halves of SWA Forecast Points for Fire Weather