The Geography of World Studies World Studies
Review from last year Definition of geography The scientific study of the location of people and activities across the Earth, and the reasons for their distribution. 7 continents Where are they located on a world map? 4 oceans Where are they located on a world map? Lines of latitude and longitude Which lines run which way? Equator and Prime Meridian Map Skills (parts of a map/ types of maps) Map key, scale, physical map, political map, thematic/SP map, historical map 5 Themes of Geography (MR LIP) Movement, region, location, interaction, place
Continents and Oceans
Latitude and Longitude Lines of LatitudeLines of Longitude
The Global Grid
Map Scale
Weather vs. Climate Weather The condition of the sky and air at a certain time. Changes on a daily basis. Example: “It is 75 degrees and sunny in Chicago today. Tomorrow, it might rain.” Climate Average weather of a place over many years. Example: “Chicago has warm summers and cold winters.”
Climate Zones Polar Zones (High Latitudes) North of the Arctic circle, south of the Antarctic circle Temperatures are cool to bitterly cold. Antarctica, Greenland, Northern Canada, Siberia (Russia)
Climate Zones Temperate Zones (Middle Latitudes) Warm summers, cool winters, moderate spring and fall. U.S.A, Western Europe, Central Asia, Japan, Chile, Argentina
Climate Zones Tropical Zones (Low latitudes) Area between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn Hot year round Africa, Southeast Asia, India, Central America, the Caribbean
The Exception Altitude Elevation above sea level. Regardless of climate zone, altitude can have an impact on climate.
Climate Types Within each climate zone, we find various climate types
Climate Types Tropical Wet Hot/ heavy rain year round Near the Equator Tropical Wet/ Dry Wet summer/ dry winter Hot year round Humid Sub-Tropical Year round precipitation Mild winters, hot summers
Climate Types Mediterranean Hot, dry summer Rainy winter Maritime Wet year round Mild winter, cool summers Continental Warm Warm summer, cold winters Year round precipitation Continental Cool Cooler summers, colder winters
Climate Types Tundra Cool summers, bitterly cold winters Dry Semiarid/ Arid Dry/ little precipitation Deserts Subarctic Cool summers, very cold winters