Maps vs. Globes Map: a symbolic representation of all or part of the planet There are a large variety of maps Globe: is a scale model of the Earth Globes are typically very similar
Determining Location A grid system is formed by longitude and latitude lines that help location be determined Latitude: or parallels, circle the Earth parallel to the Equator and measure distance north/south Longitude: or meridians, circle the Earth from Pole to Pole, measure distance east to west These measurements are in degrees Absolute Location: global address, naming the latitude and longitude lines that cross exactly at that place
Hemispheres Hemisphere: on of the halves into which the Earth is divided Northern/Southern divided by the Equator Equator: is measured at 0 degrees latitude Eastern vs Western is divided by the Prime Meridian Prime Meridian: is measured at 0 degrees longitude
Reading a Map Key/Legend: a list that explains the symbols, colors, and lines used on the map Scale: shows the relationship between map measurements and the actual distances on the Earth Compass Rose: indicates direction Cardinal Directions: north, south, east, and west Intermediate Directions: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest
Map Types: Physical Maps Physical Maps: shows the location and the shape of the Earth’s physical features Topography: the study of surface shape and features of the Earth Majority show changes in elevation in a region
Map Types: Political Maps Political Maps: maps that show the boundaries and locations of political units such as countries, states, countries, cities, and towns HUMAN MADE rather than nature No tangible border
Map Types: Thematic Maps Thematic Maps: maps that emphasizes a single idea or a particular kind of information about an area Two Types Qualitative Map: maps that use colors, symbols, lines or dots to show information Flow-line Map: maps that illustrate movement of people, animals, goods, and ideas
Section 2: Common Terms, General Focuses, and Research Methods
Places/Regions Place: a particular space with physical and human meaning ex. Great American Ballpark Regions: areas with similar characteristics ex. Central America Formal Region: is defined by a common characteristic, such as a product produced their ex. The Corn Belt Functional Region: a central place and the surrounding area linked to it Ex. Springfield Perceptual Region: defined by popular feelings and images rather than by objective data ex. The “Heartland”
Physical Systems and Human Systems Physical Geography focuses on the Earth’s physical features Physical Maps They often study ecosystems Ecosystems: is a community of plants and animals that depend upon one another, and their surrounding, for survival Human Geography focuses human activity and their relationship to culture and the physical environment Study the movement of people, goods, and ideas Focus on politics, economics, population growth etc.
Environment and Society Human-environment interactions: the study of the interrelationship between people and their physical environment Often this interaction is negative for the environment Ex. ????s
Research Methods in Geography Direct Observation Mapping -Cartography: designing and making maps Interviewing Analyzing Statistics
Topics we will study/examine Economy Culture - language - Art -Customs Education Political System
Climate and Weather Weather: the condition of the atmosphere in one place during a limited period of time Short term aspect of climate Climate: the term for the weather patterns that an area typically experiences over a long period of time Ex. Seattle, Washington
Revolution and Rotation The Earth rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun Earth’s Axis: an imaginary line running from the North Pole to the South Pole through the planet’s center Equinox: Meaning “equal night”, Around March 21 the sun’s rays fall directly on the Equator causing night and day to have equal hours
Latitudes, Elevation, and Climates Low Latitudes: Area between 30 degrees South and 30 degrees North Places located in these latitudes have warm/hot climates Midlatitudes: Area between degrees North and degrees South Experience dramatic seasonal weather changes
Latitudes, Elevation, and Climates High latitudes: Area between degrees North and degrees South Places located in these latitudes have cold climates Arctic Circle: latitude 66.5 degrees North Antarctic Circle: latitude 66.5 degrees South
Wind and Ocean Currents Prevailing winds blow in fairly consistent patterns Warm air from the Equator moving towards the Poles Cold air from the Poles moving toward the Equator Coriolis Effect: is defined as how a moving object seems to veer toward the right in the Northern hemisphere and left in the Southern hemisphere. Causes prevailing winds to move diagonally
Climate Regions Topical Climates: found in or near the low latitudes Think Rainforests Tons of natural vegetation Dry Climates: found in the low/mid latitudes Think Deserts Little to no natural vegetation
Climate Regions Midlatitude Climates: Largest variety of climates Think 4 Seasons High-Latitude Climates: Freezing temperatures Little to no natural vegetation Permafrost: permanently frozen subsoil